News - Page 3

Published May 19, 2021 1:13 PM

An updated suite of viral vectors for in vivo calcium imaging using local and retro-orbital injections

We show that systemic injections of PHP.eB AAVs to express GECIs is a highly promising technique for imaging neural activity and circumvent the need for transgenic GECI expressing mouse lines. We also establish the use of novel soma-targeted GECIs that outperform current Ca2+ indicators using both systemic and local virus injections.

Published Apr. 14, 2020 10:38 AM

OCBE (Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology) provides statistical and epidemiological advising in COVID-19 projects for researchers and students of the Medical Faculty of the University of Oslo, of the Oslo University Hospital and of South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (HSØ).

We are also happy to support other national and international projects.