Fabian Roth

Image of Fabian Roth
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Visiting address Sognsvannsveien 9 Domus Medica 0372 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1103 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Academic interests

Impact of axonal functions on neuronal network activities.

Plasticity and regulation of GABAergic inhibition.

Current research

Functional analysis of cortical interneuron axons. Inhibitory interneurons play a key role in several higher microcircuit functions, such as feedforward and feedback inhibition, high-frequency network oscillations, and temporal encoding of information in the brain. Many of these functions are critically dependent on the rapid and temporally precise release of GABA from inhibitory axon terminals. We study the mechanisms in these interneuron axons that are underlying the fast signalling.


2021–              Principal Investigator, Synaptic physiology, University of Oslo

2016–2021      Postdoc, Synaptic physiology, University of Oslo

2009–2016      PhD student, Neurophysiology, University of Heidelberg


Andreas Draguhn, Heidelberg

Ethan Goldberg, Philadelphia


2021 RCN FRIPRO Researcher grant, young talents

2016 Scientia fellows Marie Sklodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship

Tags: Brain and nervous system, Cellular and subcellular electrophysiology, Axon physiology, Neuronal network oscillations

Selected publications

Roth, F. C., and Hu, H. (2020). An axon-specific expression of HCN channels catalyzes fast action potential signaling in GABAergic interneurons. Nature Communications11, 2248.

Thome, C., Roth, F. C., Obermayer, J., Yanez, A., Draguhn, A., Egorov, A. V. (2018). Synaptic entrainment of ectopic action potential generation in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Journal of Physiology, 596(21), 5237-5249

Hu, H., Roth, F. C., Vandael, D., Jonas, P. (2018). Complementary Tuning of Na+ and K+ Channel Gating Underlies Fast and Energy-Efficient Action Potentials in GABAergic Interneuron Axons. Neuron, 98(1), 156–165.e6.

Roth, F. C., Beyer, K. M., Both, M., Draguhn, A., Egorov, A. V. (2016) Downstream effects of hippocampal sharp wave ripple oscillations on medial entorhinal cortex layer V neurons in vitro. Hippocampus, 26(12), 1493–1508. 

Hick, M., Herrmann, U., Weyer, S. W., Mallm, J.-P., Tschäpe, J.-A., Borgers, M., Mercken, M., Roth, F. C., Draguhn, A., Slomianka, L., Wolfer, D. P., Korte, M., Müller, U. C. (2015). Acute function of secreted amyloid precursor protein fragment APPsα in synaptic plasticity. Acta Neuropathol, 129(1), 21–37.

Nordström, V., Willershäuser, M., Herzer, S., Rozman, J., Bohlen und Halbach, von, O., Meldner, S., Rothermel, U., Kaden, S. Roth, F. C., Waldeck, C., Gretz, N., de Angelis, M.H., Draguhn, A., Klingenspor, M., Gröne, H.-J., Jennemann, R. (2013). Neuronal Expression of Glucosylceramide Synthase in Central Nervous System Regulates Body Weight and Energy Homeostasis. PLoS Biol., 11(3), e1001506.

Roth, F. C. & Draguhn, A. (2012). GABA Metabolism and Transport: Effects on Synaptic Efficacy. Neural Plasticity, 2012, 805830.

Reichinnek, S., Kameke, von, A., Hagenston, A. M., Freitag, E., Roth, F. C., Bading, H., et al. (2012). Reliable optical detection of coherent neuronal activity in fast oscillating networks in vitro. NeuroImage, 60(1), 139–152.

Roth, F. C., & Laberge, F. (2011). High convergence of olfactory and vomeronasal influence in the telencephalon of the terrestrial salamander Plethodon shermani. Neuroscience, 177, 148–158.

Published Nov. 10, 2017 3:59 PM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2021 1:55 PM