The success story of antiretroviral treatment in HIV infection and its (un-)wanted consequences

Speaker: Bruno Ledergerber, Senior Researcher at the Division of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Zürich  


Bruno Ledergerber, Senior Researcher at the Division of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Zürich.


Since 1996, combination antiretroviral treatment has dramatically improved morbidity and mortality among HIV-1 infected individuals. Although drugs have become much better tolerated in recent years, unwanted side-effects still occur. Further, as the HIV infected population is ageing, age-related co-morbidities can develop and it becomes difficult to dissect HIV- or treatment-related conditions from normal ageing.

Recent analyses of data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) will be presented highlighting time-trends in the HIV-epidemic, wanted and unwanted treatment outcomes and current clinical challenges.

Published Feb. 8, 2012 2:14 PM - Last modified Feb. 28, 2012 4:03 PM