Master classes

Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology (OCBE) is a centre organised by the University of Oslo, the Institute for Basic Medical Sciences (IMB) and Oslo University Hospital HF (OUS), Research Support (FST).

One of the tasks of OCBE is to support research at the university hospitals and the other health institutions in Helse Sør-Øst with statistical guidance. The purpose of the personal guidance is through a conversation between the statistician and the clinical researcher to arrive at the solution to a concrete problem. Many of the problems the statistician encounters in advising are of a more general nature, and the conversation can therefore often be of interest to and enriched by several participants.

In autumn 2020, we started a new initiative called Master class. A Master class is a conversation between a researcher and a statistician and based on a concrete problem, but with other researchers as observers. The conversation is followed by a plenary discussion, where the other researchers can also ask questions or comment. The master class will take place on a virtual platform (Join, Teams, Zoom), so that as many people as possible have the opportunity to participate. With the agreement of the stakeholders, the session will be recorded and subsequently made available with a link on this site - see table below.

The regional health offices in Health South-East have, due to the distance, more difficult access to the statistical help from OCBE via physical meetings. The master class initiative was originally created to establish closer links between OCBE and researchers in the region. After the introduction, we are now also opening up for researchers from the university hospitals (OUS and Ahus) to participate. The regional researchers will continue to have priority in submitting their problems and in helping to organise new Master classes.

Since the beginning in autumn 2020 we have run a number of Master classes in collaboration with different regional health institutions and on many different themes, see table below. Many have participated and the good feedback tells us that it is a useful format for many. The presentations and video recordings have been made accessible for some of the Master classes.

Tags: statistical advice, statistical advising, master class, OCBE By René Holst
Published Apr. 3, 2023 2:29 PM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2023 1:22 AM