COVID-19: OCBE can help

OCBE (Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology) provides statistical and epidemiological advising in COVID-19 projects for researchers and students of the Medical Faculty of the University of Oslo, of the Oslo University Hospital and of South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (HSØ).

We are also happy to support other national and international projects. 

We are part of the global effort to combat COVID-19

OCBE is part of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health team preparing the mathematical modelling of the coronavirus pandemic in Norway. Together with the OUS Clinical Trials Unit we are involved in the World Health Organization Solidarity clinical trial for COVID-19.

What we can help you with

  1. COVID-19 clinical trials: design, protocol development, statistical planning and analysis
  2. COVID-19 observational studies: design, epidemiological and statistical considerations 
  3. COVID-19 mathematical modelling: situation awareness, scenarios and predictions 
    Published Apr. 14, 2020 10:38 AM - Last modified Dec. 9, 2020 12:18 PM