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Research groups

For an overview of group leaders, please see the institute's department pages.


This research group is focused on transport and cycling of neurotransmitters and amino acids.

The purpose of the research is a better understanding of the close interplay nutrition and atherosclerosis.

Science group


Dysfunctional autophagy is linked to several pathophysiological conditions, including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.⁠ The main focus of the “Simonsen Lab” is to characterize of the molecular mechanisms involved in cargo sequestration and autophagosome biogenesis during non-selective and selective types of autophagy with a long-term goal to identify novel targets for diagnosis or treatment of human disease.

By studying the subcellular localisation and the functions of the splice variants of PKA (cAMP-dependent protein kinase), we will better understand the specificity in the cAMP-PKA pathway and their potential association with disease.

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Our main focus is methodological research in causal inference and event history analysis with applications to observational and randomized studies in epidemiology and medicine.

The main goal of the research group, is to elucidate the mechanisms involved in cAMP-mediated regulation of proliferation and apoptosis in cells of the immune system, in order to identify new targets for improved therapy of cancer

Human cell under microscope

We work on uncovering and understanding novel mechanisms of autophagy termination, using Drosophila as a model.

Chromatin Biology Group picture

The chromatin biology group focuses on epigenetic regulation in stem cells and cancer.

Our overall aim is to understand how neuronal activity in the human brain is used for cognitive processes.

We investigate communication in health care in general, and in cancer care and medical education in particular

Uncertainty is an inherent part of all scientific activity and the generally agreed framework for handling uncertainty is the use of probability. Our lab focuses on enabling and making inferences with the aid of probabilistic models, with a focus on evolutionary epidemiology of bacterial infectious diseases but also within a wider range of applications in life sciences, technology and engineering. 

How does the brain work?

We investigate processes in the brains of awake, behaving animals in order to  reveal mechanisms underlying perception, learning and memory.

The goal of this research group is to understand the mechanisms by which a plant based dietary pattern mediates protective effects.

Portraits of collaborating researchers

We are assessing nutritional status in pediatric and adult patients with cancer and gastrointestinal disorders, and are doing dietary interventions with the purpose of improving their health and quality of life.

Members of the group

Our primary interest is to study dietary prevention of cholesterol-induced inflammation in early atherosclerosis.

What we eat matters for the health of both people and the planet.

We aim to identify dietary challenges in the Norwegian population as well as environmental sustainability challenges in the Norwegian food pattern.

Our research is focused on development and evaluation of dietary assessment methods and dietary habits among children, adolescents and adults, and on associations between diet and various diseases.


The research group works with statistical and epidemiological projects.

Schematic figure depicting main strategies for treating cardiac illnesses

The laboratory for experimental cardiology aims to identify molecular mechanisms that regulates short term and long term cardiac function. The goal is to develop future treatment for cardiac disease by detailed understanding of how signal molecules controls ion transporters and gene regulatory proteins.

Astrocytes in green and neurons in red in the hippocampus from an awake head-fixed mouse.

The research group GliaLab explores functions of astrocytes, the starshaped glial cells, in the healthy brain, sleep and in neurological disorders. 

Image may contain: Community, Composite material, Engineering, Leisure, Landscape.

Our research is primarily focused on optimizing nutritional status among vulnerable population groups as well as among patients with chronic diseases. We reach out both domestically as well as to Southern Africa.

We study changes in proteoglycans in inflammation and obesity and in kidneys in relation to diabetes and atherosclerosis. We also work with nutrition and health for persons with intellectual disabilities

Medical doctors at work

A leading research group in the field of mental health and work among medical students and physicians.

Image may contain: Hand, Sleeve, Gesture, Finger, Thumb.

We want to improve our understanding of the pathophysiological events underlying acute ischemic injury of the heart and the subsequent remodelling which may lead to heart failure. We work towards identifying new therapeutic targets to reduce these injuries. We also work to improve organs for transplantation with focus in ischemia reperfusion injury.

We are working on methodological problems related to analysis of high-dimensional data.

Science group

We study the cardiovascular control mechanisms in healthy subjects and patients. We investigate the interaction between  circulation and respiration, control of cerebral blood flow, and the interaction between endothelial and autonomic functions.

Group picture of members of the immunbiological laboratory

The focus of the Immunbiology Laboratory is immune receptor biology and how this relates to the molecular mechanisms involved in autoimmune disease and cancer.

Our overarching research goal is to better understand the roles of stress receptor signalling pathways in normal physiology, chronic inflammatory diseases, immunity, and cancer.

Our research is focused on quantitative mathematical studies of infectious diseases.

Our lab studies how the brain turns sensory information into perceptions. The physical stimuli reaching our eyes and ears are very complex, yet our perception of the outer world appears rather simple. To understand how we are able to interact with the physical world so efficiently, we study the fundamental principles by which brain circuits operate.

We study

Our focus is to understand the role of intracellular lipid droplets and how alterations in these may lead to various lipid-mediated diseases.

The complexity of medical knowledge and practices is growing. Our research group studies how we can effectively meet this challenge through new strategies in education and communication.

Our research group investigates how macronutrient metabolism can be used to regulate inflammation in cancer and autoimmunity.

Image may contain: Facial expression, Product, Sharing, Organism, Font.

We explore the cognitive, affective and neural basis of different mental processes and sensory experiences, using a variety of psychological, neuroscientific, and statistical techniques.

We study how genes and lipids regulate diet induced metabolic diseases.

Image may contain: Product, Font, Line, Parallel, Pattern.

The Laboratory for Molecular Neuroscience investigates molecular mechanisms involved in physiological processes such as cell volume regulation, gliovascular signaling, maintenance of the blood-brain-barrier integrity and role of the brain extracellular matrix in normal brain function.

Natural killer (NK) cells eliminate cancer cells and cells infected with several viruses and bacteria, while sparing normal cells .

Confocal picture of the spinal cord after lesion (top). Implantable Bluetooth transceiver. Photo: Jean-Luc Boulland, UiO 

We focus on mechanisms behind tissue damage and recovery after neurotrauma, particularly spinal cord injuries.

We also develop new strategies and prototypes of medical devices to restore lost function. 

The Laboratory of Neural Development  (NDEVOR) is dedicated to the study of the functional development of brain and spinal cord networks with special focus on motor and premotor circuitry.

NeSys group photo

NeSys is a computational neuroanatomy, neuroimaging, and neuroinformatics laboratory.

The research group focuses on the study of intrathecal immune responses in neurological diseases, in particular multiple sclerosis (MS). Through this, we aim to understand disease mechanisms to contribute to more specific therapeutic approaches.

The Neurotransporter Group focuses on the transporter proteins moving transmitter amino acids (GABA, glutamate and glycine) across cell membranes, and on the roles of these transporters in normal brain physiology and disease.

The Collas lab

We are interested in understanding chromatin features that pattern 3D genome architecture during adipogenesis and breast cancer tumorigenesis.

Our research focuses on the nuclear envelope, the main line of defense for our genome.

The focus of this research group is to understand the roles of foods on growth, development, as well as prevention of life style diseases such as diabetes, and coronary heart disease. We are investigating the mechanisms of cellular transport and effects on cellular growth, function and metabolism of dietary lipids and other food constituents.

Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Office supplies, Line, Writing implement.

We study the relationship between dietary factors and various conditions and chronic diseases, with special focus on frailty and on breast and colon cancer.

The overall long-term objective of this research is to determine how to prevent metabolic disease and promote health in parous women.

Microscopy-photo from cortex.

We study the interactions between oligodendrocytes and neurons in the healthy brain and their role in cell injury and repair in disease.

Our primary research focus is to understand the biological mechanisms of fatty acids on human health. We utilize large scale datasets from controlled dietary intervention studies to define molecular profiles which can be used to predict and understand who some individuals responds better to intervention than others.

Drawing af a brain as many treads in a clew

Our group investigates the interplay between psychological, biological and social factors in patients with somatic diseases (e.g. cardiovascular diseases, functional disorders, sleep disorders and depression), including the development and testing of interventions aimed at improving health and quality of life.

Public Health Nutrition is the promotion of good health through primary prevention of nutrition-related illness in the population.

Our main research focus is on receptors that are expressed by cells of the innate immune system.

Estimation of drug efficacy and synergistic effects in a drug combination experiment. The plots were generated with the R package bayesynergy v2.1 for an example data set from O'Neil, 2016, DOI:10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-15-0843.

We develop methods to integrate multi-omics and other data, e.g. clinical data or drug characteristics, for predicting a patient's prognosis or treatment response. In this way we contribute to the development of novel cancer treatments.

Image may contain: Colorfulness, Text, Line, Plot.

The research group aims at developing statistical methods for analyzing data with complex structure, high-dimensional and/or functional (intrinsically smooth)

Pen and paper, with statistical diagrams

Innovative computationally intensive inference for complex stochastic models in the life sciences. We develop statistical methodology motivated by specific problems in science, technology, industry and society.

Confocal imaging and patch clamp recordings.

My group studies how neurons in the mammalian brain communicate with each other at synapses. We use advanced electrophysiological, imaging and computer modeling techniques to analyze synaptic signaling mechanisms in presynaptic axons and postsynaptic dendrites.

Neurons of the brain communicate through contact points called synapses. This research group focuses on synapses and their highly developed capacities for structural and functional change.

Image contain pictures of five persons belonging to the group

The main focus of our research is regulation of adaptive immunity. We are particularly interested in signaling in activated and experienced T cells, as these cells influence individual susceptibility to autoimmune diseases as well as cancer. 

X-ray of a skull suffering from a stroke, affected area colorized in red

The goal of our research is to reduce the level of cardiovascular disease by developing new diagnostic methods and treatment strategies.

The research involves studies on B vitamins, homocysteine, cysteine and related sulfur amino acids.