Download the beta of Addreg 2 and Addregmc:

Version 2 is greatly improved with:

- S formula notation and object structure
- The possibility of counting process data and time-dependent covariates
- Much faster calculations (more than twice as fast)
- Full R support (from same code as the S-PLUS version)
- GNU 2 license
- The ability to run Addreg without covariates (E.g. Nelson-Aalen estimate)
- Standardized way of dealing with ties (Breslow)
- New Ridge regression option
Plus new "addregmc"-library with modeling of Markov Chain transition probabilities as given in:

Odd Aalen, Ørnulf Borgan and Harald Fekjær (2001): "Covariate adjustment of event histories estimated from Markov chains: The additive approach" Biometric, vol. 57, 108-116
In addition, we are working on new S-PLUS & R librarys, documentation and webpages. 

For comments or questions please e-mail us on <>

About the package

Addreg is a package of  R and S-PLUS functions for perform additive survival analysis. The Addreg project, including creating the package and performing related research, was funded by University of Oslo and the Norwegian Cancer Society. We hope that the package can be useful in many types of research and analysis, both within and outside the medical field.

All functions are written at Section of Medical Statistics, University of Oslo, Norway by Harald Fekjær with theoretical help from prof. Odd Aalen. In addition, prof. Ørnulf Borgan has contributed with good ideas and part of the documentation.

This is a package of S-plus functions which perform additive survival analysis. The project of creating the package was funded by the Norwegian Cancer society. The package can be used with success in other forms of research both within and outside the medical field.



Addreg comes under “GNU General Public License – Version 2”. This basically means that the package is freeand open source, and all updates or changes in  the code should be make public available without charge. In addition,there is no warranty what so ever.For more information about the license, see the file licence.txt in the package.


To help us measure the interest for the package and to receive an e-mail list for upgrades, please fill in this form and press "Send registration of Addreg 2 beta":
(We will of course never send you spam or give away your contact information!)


  E-mail address:
Wants information on upgrades? Yes No
Registered user earlier versions? Yes No
Program used? R S-PLUS Both
Operating system?
(used for S-PLUS / R)
LINUX (Solaris etc.)
Where did you learn about Addreg?


Download the beta: 

  Source code(*)  Example of use Documentation pages
Addreg addreg.R addreg-example.txt addreg-docpages.pdf
Addremc addregmc.R addregmc-example.txt addreg-docpages.pdf

* use "source"-commando to read the files into S-PLUS or R



We want to thank:

  • Section of Medical Statistics atOslo University and the Norwegian Cancer Society for financial support
  • Thomas Lumery for good suggestions, and helping to write some of the code that later became Addreg version 2
  • Terry M. Therneau for suggestions and for making the “Surv”-function available.
  • Dave Homer and many other users for hints and suggestions regarding the functions and there documentation.
  • The R core group for making an excellent statistical system free of charge 

<>,  2001-12-01


Published Aug. 7, 2018 2:57 PM - Last modified Aug. 17, 2018 11:42 AM