S-plus package for additive survival analysis

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About the package

This is a package of S-plus functions which perform additive survival analysis. The project of creating the package was funded by the Norwegian Cancer society. The package can be used with success in other forms of research both within and outside the medical field.

The routines are free, and we will like you to share it with others, but remember to pass on this documentation. Also note that as this package is free, it COMES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, REGARDING THE METHOD, ITS IMPLEMENTATIONS AND ITS DOCUMENTATION.

All the functions are written at Section of Medical Statistics, University of Oslo, Norway by Harald Fekjær, with theoretical help from Prof. Odd Aalen. For comments or questions please e-mail us on «hfe@math.uio.no»

For registration of the interrest for the package and an e-mail list for upgrads, please fill in this form and press "Send information":
Your name:
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Wants information on upgrades? Yes No
Operating system used for S-plus / R? Unix PC Both
Program used? S-plus R Both
Where did you learn about the package?

Download PC version 1.07   Download UNIX version 1.07
R version 0.92
Installation , Remarks

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For question or coments contact Harald Fekjær
Published May 18, 2011 3:44 PM - Last modified Aug. 7, 2018 4:35 PM