Help page for Plots data on cumulative additive regression in survival analysis DESCRIPTION: Shows the cumulative additive regression estimates in survival analysis, calculated by the function addreg.find USAGE:, variablenr, labelofvariable, maintitle, startattime, stopattime) REQUIRED ARGUMENTS: linaerestimate The data from the function addreg.find OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS: variablenr An array with the variables we want to include in the study. Default is all variables. labelofvariable Is an array with the text labels of the variables in the study. Default is just the number of the variables. maintitle A text for the main title. startattime The place where the drawing should start. Default is the first estimate. stopattime The place where the drawing should start. Default is the last estimate. VALUE: There is no value returned. SIDE EFFECTS: None DETAILS: A graphical Window must have been opened before starting this procedure. REFERENCES: Note on use is distributed with the package ("Documentation for S-plus package in additive survival analysis") See also internet: Procedure written by: Harald Fekjaer, e-mail: Theoretical work by: Prof. Odd O. Aalen Research institute: Section of Medical Statistics, University of Oslo, Norway Date: 1997 WARNING as needed: THIS FUNCTION IS FREE AND COMES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, WHETHER FOR THE METHOD OR IT’S IMPLEMENTATION. Please report to Harald Fekjaer (E-mail: if you find any weaknesses or have any ideas on how to improve the program. SEE ALSO: addreg.find, addreg.test , addreg.est, addreg EXAMPLES: To find and display results use: > res <- addreg.find(covar, trisk, status) >