Help page for addreg.test Finds the test values for additive regression estimates in survival analysis DESCRIPTION: Replace this line with brief description USAGE: addreg.test(covar, trisk, status, stopcond,stand,na.rm) REQUIRED ARGUMENTS: covar This variable contains the covariates in the analysis, with one row for each subject trisk Observation times. status Status is 0 if the observation is censored, and 1 otherwise. OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS: stoptime Here you can select the time for which you want the estimation to stop. If you don't select any time the routine continues until YY' becomes singular starttime Here you can select the time for which you want the estimation to start. If you don't select any time the routine start at time zero stopcond This is the test value for the rank of the matrix. It is numeric and can fail for very small covariates. In this case one coud adjust the variable "stoptime" to some higher number, but if you choose it to soon, it will not lett the estimates go so far in time as they could. Default value is 0.001 stand If "stand" is true the covariates are standardised, that is the mean is subtracted from each covariate. Default is true. na.rm If "na.rm" is true all observations with missing values are ignored. Default is true. VALUE: Returns an array of test statistics (with standard normal distribution under the assumptions that covariables are zero). First value is for the constant, and then comes each covariate. Under the test statistics the corresponding to sided p-values is printed. SIDE EFFECTS: None DETAILS: The routine makes notes when YY’ becomes singular and the compilations stops. REFERENCES: Note on use is distributed with the package ("Documentation for S-plus package in additive survival analysis") See also internet: Procedure written by: Harald Fekjaer, e-mail: Theoretical work by: Prof. Odd O. Aalen Research institute: Section of Medical Statistics, University of Oslo, Norway Date: 1997 WARNING as needed: THIS FUNCTION IS FREE AND COMES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, WHETHER FOR THE METHOD OR IT’S IMPLEMENTATION. The routine that tests the rank of matrix is numeric, and can fail for very small covariate values. In this case one coud adjust the variable "stoptime" Please report to Harald Fekjaer (E-mail: if you find any weaknesses or have any ideas on how to improve the program. SEE ALSO: addreg ,, addreg.find, addreg.est EXAMPLES: > addreg.test(orocovar,orotid,orostatus) Remark: Resultes are taken at time 1446.284 Test-value: 10.1066 -1.6037 0.9337 -1.3913 0.271 4.113 2.5153 1.9861 P-value: 0 0.1088 0.3505 0.1641 0.7864 0 0.0119 0.047 [1] 0