
How to install on UNIX

1. First download the package to your system either from a floppy disk or from "" at internet. Primary we recommend that you use the internet, as you then always gets the latest version.

2. Go to your S-plus home directory:

~> cd `Splus SHOME `
~> cd library

Then make a directory for the functions:

~> mkdir addreg
~> cd addreg

Move the file with the package to this directory:
Example: ~> mv ~/addreg.tar.gz .

3. Now uncompress the package with:

~> gunzip addreg.tar.gz

And unpack the new file with:

~> tar -xf addreg.tar

You will now have the following files:

README.txt		Short file descriptions
addreg.eps		Postscript documentation file
addreg.q		S-plus source file
addreg.h		Help file for the function addreg on NROFF input form
addreg.est.h		Help file for the function addreg.est on NROFF input form
addreg.find.h		Help file for the function addreg.find on NROFF input form		Help file for the function on NROFF input form
addreg.test.h		Help file for the function addreg.test on NROFF input form
makefile		A make file for easier installation 

5. Take a look at the documentation files, preferably with a postscript reader like Ghostview:

~> Ghostview addreg.eps &

If your system doesn't include any program that can read postscript files, you may use a browser like Netscape to view the hypertext version at the internet site: <<>>.

6. After reading the documentation, the easiest way to install the routines is to use the <<make>> file. To do this you first must edit the make file for the S-plus home directory you use. For this you can use a text editor like <<emacs>>:

~> emacs make &

After you specified the right S-plus directorie in the make file, just type:

~> make install

and you should then be up and running.

How to install on a PC

1. First download the package to your system either from a floppy disk or from "" at internet. Primary we recommend that you use the internet, as you then always gets the latest version.

2. The package you now got is packed with Phip Katz' program zip. If you have the program move the file to the catalogue <<c:\addreg>>, and unpack it with using the file <<c:\addreg\>> in the zip program. Else se internet <<>> to get a copy of this shareware program.

You will now have the following files:

README.txt		Short files descriptions
addreg.doc		Microsoft Word 6.0/7.0 documentation file
addreg.q		S-plus source file
addreg.h		Help file for the function addreg	
addreg.e		Help file for the function addreg.est
addreg.f		Help file for the function addreg.find
addreg.s		Help file for the function
addreg.t		Help file for the function addreg.test

3. Take a look at the documentation files, preferably with Microsoft Word or WordPerfect at the file <<addreg.doc>>. If your system doesn't include any program that can read word files, you may use a browser like Netscape to view the hypertext version at the internet site: <<>>.

4. After reading the documentation, you start S-plus and then type:

> source("c:\\addreg\\addreg.q")

and the S-plus functions are installed.

5. To install the help function, first copy the helpfiles to your <<_help>> directory under your splus home directory (Often <<c:\spluswin\data\_home>>). You then have to rename the helpfiles to match the mapped 8.3-filnames. Because todays versions of S-plus do not match longer filenames than 8.3, all files are mapped to shorter names. S-plus does this for the functions, but we must do this our self for the helpfile. Start S-plus and find the filenames with:

>"addreg.find"). "__3": This means that "addreg.find" shall be names "__3.h". Do this for all the helpfiles, and then you should be up and running.

Published Oct. 12, 2004 10:33 PM - Last modified May 10, 2011 11:40 AM