Selected publications

Follow-up and clinical communication with young cancer survivors

  • Lie HC, Loge JH, Fosså SD, Hamre HM, Hess SL, Mellblom AV, Ruud E, Finset A. Providing information about late effects after childhood cancer: Lymphoma survivors´ preferences for what, how and when. Pat Educ Couns 2015
  • Mellblom AV, Finset A, Korsvold L, Loge JH, Ruud E, Lie HC. Emotional concerns in follow-up consultations between paediatric oncologists and adolescent survivors: a video-based observational study. Psycho-Oncology 2014; 23: 1365-72.


  • Lie HC, Hjermstad MJ, Fayers P, Finset A, Kaasa S, Loge JH on behalf of the European Palliative Care Research Collaborative (EPCRC) Depression in advanced cancer – Assessment challenges, and associations with disease load. J Affective Dis 2015; 173: 176-84.

Emotional communication in cancer care

  • Finset A, Heyn L, Ruland CM. Patterns in clinicians' responses to patient emotion in cancer care. Patient Educ Couns  2013;93 : 80-85
  • Heyn L, Finset A, Ruland CM. Talking about feelings and worries in cancer consultations: The effects of an interactive tailored symptom assessment on source, explicitness, and timing of emotional cues and concerns. Cancer Nursing 2013; 36 (2): E20-E30
  • Heyn L, Finset A, Eide H. Ruland, CM. Effects of an interactive tailored patient assessment on patient-clinician communication in cancer care. Psycho-Oncology 2013; 22 (1) : 89-96.
  • Vatne TM, Ruland C, Ørnes K, Finset A. Children's Expressions of Negative Emotions and Adults’ Responses During Routine Cardiac Consultations. J. Pediatr. Psychol. 2012; 37:232-40.

Emotional communication (assessment, psychophysiology, theory)

  • Finset A. "I am worried, Doctor!" Emotions in the doctor-patient relationship.Patient Educ Couns 2012; 88 (3) : 359-363.
  • Kale E, Skjeldestad K, Finset A. Emotional communication in medical consultations with native and non-native patients applying two different methodological approaches. Patient Education and Counseling 2013; 92 (3): 366-374
  • Finset A, Stensrud, T.L., Holt, Verheul W, Bensing, J.Electrodermal activity in response to empathic statements in clinical interviews with fibromyalgia patients. Patient Educ Couns 2011;82 (3), : 355-360.
  • Verheul W, Finset, A., Holt, E., Stensrud, T.L., Bensing, J.M.Is pain patients' psychophysiological arousal while watching their videotaped medical interview similar to their arousal during participation in this medical interview? International Journal of Psychophysiology 2011;79 (2), : 305-310.
  • Skirbekk, H., Middelthon, A.-L., Hjortdahl, P., Finset, A.Mandates of trust in the doctor-patient relationship. Qualitative Health Research 2011; 21 (9), : 1182-1190.
  • Eide, H., Sibbern, T., Egeland, T., Finset, A., Johannessen, T., Miaskowski, C.,Rustøen, T.Fibromyalgia patients' communication of cues and concerns: Interaction analysis of pain clinic consultations. The Clinical Journal of Pain 2011; 27: 602-10.
  • Zimmermann, C., Del Piccolo, L., Bensing, J., Bergvik, S., De Haes, H., Eide, H., (...), Finset, A. Coding patient emotional cues and concerns in medical consultations: The Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences (VR-CoDES) Patient Educ Couns 2011; 82:141-8.
  • Del Piccolo L, de Haes H, Heaven C, Jansen J, Verheul W, (...), Finset A. Development of the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences to code health providers’ responses (VR-CoDES) to patient cues and concerns. Patient Educ Couns 2011; 82: 149-55.
  • Finset A, Mjaaland TA. The medical consultation viewed as a value chain: A neurobehavioral approach. Pat Educ Couns 2009, 74:323-30.

Communication in medical education

  • Eikeland HL, Ørnes K, Finset A, Pedersen R. The physician's role and empathy - A qualitative study of third year medical students    BMC Medical Education 2014;14 (1), 165
  • Gude T,  Vaglum P,  Anvik T,  Bærheim A, Fasmer OB, Grimstad  H, Hjortdahl P, Holen A,  Nordøy T, Eide H. Do physicians improve their communication skills between finishing medical school and completing internship? A nationwide prospective observational cohort study. Patient Educ Counsel 2009, 76: 207-12.
  • Gude T,  Vaglum P, Anvik T, Baerheim , Eide H,  Fasmer OB, Graugaard P,Grimstad H, Hjortdahl P, Holen A, Nordoy T, Skirbekk H, Finset A. Observed communication skills: how do they relate to the consultation content? A nation-wide study of graduate medicalstudents seeing a standardized patient for a first-time consultation in a general practice setting BMC Medical Education 2007, 7:43 doi:10.1186/1472-6920-7-43

Communication skills training

  • Lundeby T, Gulbrandsen P, Finset A. The Expanded Four Habits Model –A Teachable Consultation Model for Encounters with Patients in Emotional Distress. Patient Educ Counsel 2015
  • Stensrud TL, Gulbrandsen P, Mjaaland TA, Skretting S, Finset A. Improving communication in general practice when mental health issues appear: Piloting a set of six evidence based skills. Patient Educ Counsel 2014; 95:69-75.
  • Gulbrandsen P, Jensen, BF, Finset A, Blanch-Hartigan D. Long-term effect of communication training on the relationship between physicians' self-efficacy and performance. Patient Educ Couns 2013; 91 (2) : 180-185.
  • Gulbrandsen P, Benth JS, Dahl FA, Jensen BF, Finset A, Hall JA. Specialist physicians' sensitivity to patient affect and satisfaction. Medical Care 2012; 50 (4) : 290-293.
  • Fossli Jensen, B., Gulbrandsen, P., Dahl, F.A., Krupat, E., Frankel, R.M., Finset, A. Effectiveness of a short course in clinical communication skills for hospital doctors: Results of a crossover randomized controlled trial (ISRCTN22153332) Patient Educ Couns 2011:84 (2), : 163-169.
  • Mjaaland TA, Finset A. Communication skills training for general practitioners aimed to promote patient coping: the GRIP approach. Pat Educ Couns 2009, 76:84-90

Science communication

  • Carver RB, Rødland EA, Breivik J.   Quantitative Frame Analysis of How the Gene Concept Is Presented in Tabloid and Elite Newspapers.   Science Communication 2013 ; 35 :449-475

Published Feb. 23, 2011 10:32 AM - Last modified Mar. 30, 2015 2:14 PM