
  • The effects of alcohol problems on the work performance of Norwegian hospital doctors: a 20-year longitudinal study (Innlandet Hospital Trust) 2015-2018
  • Alcohol problems and depression in a 20-year longitudinal study of Norwegian doctors (NORDOC): Gender, work and gene-environment interaction (University of Oslo) 2013-2017
  • STUD MED 2015: Survey of student well-being and curriculum experiences among medical students in Bergen and Trondheim. (NTNU, University of Trondheim) 2013 - 
  • Psychosocial risk factors for doctor certified sick leave: A prospective study among female health care workers (National Institute of Occupational Health - STAMI) 2013-
  • Working hours, health and safety in the petroleum industry (PUSSH) (National Institute of Occupational Health - STAMI) 2013-
  • Burnout and help-seeking in Norwegian physicians: predictors and a preventive programme based on a 15-year follow-up (South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority – HSØ)  2011-2016
  • Job satisfaction and life satisfaction among Norwegian doctors: a 15-year follow-up and comparison with Icelandic doctors (University of Oslo) 2009-
  • Alexithymia, alcohol expectancies, self-efficacy and treatment outcome in alcohol use disorders   (National Centre for Dual Diagnosis, Innlandet Hospital Trust, Norway; Queensland University of Technology and Princess Alexandria Hospital, Brisbane, Australia) 2013-
  • Mindfulness training for stress management: a two-centre randomised controlled study of medical and pychology students with long-term follow up (The Knowledge Centre, University of Tromsø) 2008-
  • Collaborative project on a comparison study on doctors’ opinions about their health care systems in Canada,  Norway and USA (University of British Columbia, Canada, Adventist University of Friendensau, Germany) 2007-
Published Feb. 22, 2011 1:41 PM - Last modified Apr. 25, 2019 2:33 PM