New paper about perineuronal nets in entorhinal cortex and hippocampus

Perineuronal nets (PNNs) are proposed as a key regulator of plasticity in the adult brain.

In this paper we show that the expression of PNNs differ between visual cortex, hippocampus and the medial entorhinal cortex (mEC). 


  • Perineuronal nets colocalize with excitatory neurons in hippocampus area CA2, in contrast to neocortex where PNNs are surrounding PV+ inhibitory neurons.
  • In entorhinal cortex PNNs assembles during postnatal development which coincides with reports on development of the grid cell’s activity pattern.
  • Furthermore PV+ cells mature at an much earlier timepoint in entorhinal cortex compared to neocortex.

The low expression levels of PNNs in hippocampus CA1 may reflect the high level of plasticity in the circuit in contrast to the high expression in visual cortex and entorhinal cortex which are less plastic in adult brains. 

Congratulations to our PhD students Kristian Lensjø, Charlotte Christiansen og Simen Tennø for a great job!

Check out the paper in eNeuro: eNeuro 25 May 2017, ENEURO.0379-16.2017; DOI:

Tags: hippocampus, publication, Neuroscience, Brain extracellular matrix, Brain development By hafting
Published May 29, 2017 1:23 AM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2021 11:08 AM