Using Facial Electromyography to Assess Facial Muscle Reactions to Experienced and Observed Affective Touch in Humans

New article and video

We describe a protocol to assess facial muscle activity in response to experienced and observed tactile stimulation using facial electromyography.

Read the full article and watch our video on how to get great facial EMG recordings here.


Ree, A., Morrison, I., Olausson, H., Sailer, U., Heilig, M., Mayo, L. M. (2019) Using Facial Electromyography to Assess Facial Muscle Reactions to Experienced and Observed Affective Touch in Humans. J. Vis. Exp . (145), e59228, DOI:10.3791/5922

Published Mar. 26, 2019 8:52 AM - Last modified Mar. 26, 2019 8:52 AM