
The group collaborates with a number of national and international researchers.

  • Jonas Emsley, Nottingham, UK (Protein structure function, X-ray crystallography)
  • Christina Jern, Gothenburg, Sweden (Stroke diagnosis and GWAS)
  • Paul Declerck, Leuven, Belgium (Serine protease inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies)
  • Eric Camerer, Paris, France (Protease-activated receptors)
  • Denis Vivien, Caen, France (Mouse models of stroke)
  • Michael Etscheid, Langen, Germany (FSAP biochemistry and thrombosis)
  • Christoph Reichel, Munich, Germany (Proteases and leukocyte transmigration)
  • Trygve Braun Leergaard, Oslo, Norway (Rodent neuroanatomical mapping)
  • Per Morten Sandset, Oslo, Norway (Thrombosis)
  • Geir Åge Løset, Oslo, Norway (Phage display)
  • Kristi Bache, Oslo, Norway (Stroke-Diagnosis)
Published Jan. 13, 2012 1:09 PM - Last modified July 10, 2023 12:39 PM