Fundamentals of Ontology engineering

The Human Brain Project and the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility invite you to participate in a short course on the Fundamentals of Ontology engineering.

This two-day introductory ‘hands-on’ course aims to provide attendees with both the theoretical foundations as well as some practical experience to begin building OWL ontologies using the Protégé-OWL tools.

Cours logoThe course will use Manchester's well-known "Pizza tutorial" to introduce participants to the the main conceptual parts of the Web Ontology Language (OWL) through the hands-on experience of building of an ontology. A series of practical exercises take participants through the process of forming competency questions that the ontology should support and using Protégé to enter the information into a knowledge base capable of answering them.

All this is centered around using automated reasoning to check the consistency of the growing ontology and of using the reasoner to issue queries to the knowledge base. In addition, the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Ontology, which is used in the HBP KnowledgeGraph for data curation, will be introduced as a resource for standardizing annotation and classification of neuroscience knowledge, methods, and resources.

Goals for this course

  • Understand the use of ontologies.
  • Gain experience in basic ontology engineering techniques such as knowledge elicitation and use of competency questions.
  • Understand statements written in OWL.
  • Understand the role of automated reasoning in ontology building.
  • Build an ontology and use a reasoner to draw inferences from that ontology.
  • Gain experience using the Protégé ontology environment.
  • Gain experience creating competency questions to drive ontology building and assessment.
  • Using, understanding, and contributing to the NIF Ontology.

Course lecturers

  • Prof. Robert Stevens, University of Manchester
  • Prof. Ulrike Sattler, University of Manchester
  • Tom Gillespie, University of California San Diego

Course dates

January 28th - January 29th 2019

From 09:00-18:00 (both days).

Course location

Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway

Who should participate

This is an introductory-level ontology engineering course. The intended audience is anyone who is using, or contributing to technical vocabularies, knowledge bases, or ontologies, as well as anyone that is interested in knowledge engineering or ontology engineering. Basic coding skills are needed in order to get the most out of this course.

What to bring

All participants need to bring their own laptop. Participants should install the latest version of Protégé prior to the course. For the section on the NIF Ontology participants should also have a GitHub account and have installed git (no prior experience with git is required).

How to register

Register by filling out this registration form

Registration deadline: 4.01.2019

The number of participants is restricted. For this reason you are encouraged to register as soon as possible in order to receive prompt confirmation and make necessary plans to attend to the course. You will be notified about whether we can offer you a spot in the course soon after we received notification of your registration to the course (latest 5 working days after reception). 

After having received confirmation of your participation to the course you can then proceed to make payment for it by following the link to the payment system (coming soon).

If you have already registered, but are unable to attend, please contact us as soon as possible at:

Registration fee

2500 NOK. Cancellations are non-refundable. Expenses such as travel, accommodation, and food are NOT covered.

Published Nov. 23, 2018 2:08 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2018 12:37 PM