Cancer Gene Regulation Seminar 14th of June 2024

In the June Oslo Chromatin Club Seminar we will hear talks from Anita Göndör (UiO/AHUS/Karolinska Institutet) and Romana Tabita Pop (NCMM).

The emergence of high-throughput ’omics technologies has resulted in their wide application to cancer studies, greatly increasing our understanding of the disruptions taking place at the different ’omic levels. The role of gene regulation as a core driver of biological processes and its role in the development and progression of cancer has been well established and gene regulation can be represented as a network of interactions between regulators and their targets. Romana Tabita Pop from Marieke Kuijjer´s group (NCMM) will present her work titled "Integrating multi-omics data with gene regulatory networks in cancers".

Anita Göndör (UiO/AHUS/Karolinska Institutet) explores the molecular mechanisms that fuel the phenotypic plasticity and adaptability of cancer cells that builds on the hypothesis that increased stochastic epigenetic variation in cancer is promoted by altered gene mobility between nuclear sub-compartments that have instructive functions on chromatin states. Her talk is titled "MYC on the move: oncogene trafficking to nuclear pores as a novel mechanism in tumor development ".

Published May 27, 2024 4:47 PM - Last modified May 28, 2024 10:05 AM