Public defence: Patrik Hansson

M.Sc. Patrik Hansson at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences will be defending the thesis “The impact of fat quality and dairy matrix on postprandial lipids and lipoprotein subclasses” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

Photo: Gunnar F. Lothe

Trial lecture - time and place

See trial lecture.

Adjudication committee

  • First opponent: Professor Julie Lovegrove, University of Reading
  • Second opponent: Professor Dag Steinar Thelle, University of Oslo
  • Third member and chair of the evaluation committee: Associate Professor Hesso Farhan, University of Oslo

Chair of defence

Associate Professor Anne-Marie Aas, University of Oslo

Principal supervisor

Professor Stine M. Ulven, University of Oslo


Fat quality and dairy matrix may affect postprandial lipid concentrations

Saturated fatty acids are found in foods such as meat, dairy products, and palm- and coconut oil, and may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases by raising the LDL-cholesterol concentration in the blood.   

The aim of the thesis entitled “The impact of fat quality and dairy matrix on postprandial lipids and lipoprotein subclasses” was to investigate how dietary fat quality, as well as different kinds of dairy products, affect postprandial lipids and lipoprotein subclass concentrations in healthy adults.  

The first trial examined how subjects with familial hypercholesterolemia and healthy controls respond to two different kinds of muffins: one made with palm- and coconut oil (rich in saturated fatty acids), and one made with sun flower- and rapeseed oil (rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids). The muffin rich in saturated fat induced a delayed postprandial triglyceride peak in both groups, which may be a more atherogenic response compared to the earlier triglyceride peak induced by the muffin rich in polyunsaturated fat.

The second trial examined how healthy women and men respond to meals with similar amount of fat from the different dairy products butter, cheese, whipped cream, and sour cream. Intake of sour cream induced the largest postprandial triglyceride increase along with the largest increase in HDL-cholesterol. The increase in large HDL particles was larger in women compared to men.

In conclusion, different kinds of dietary fat and dairy products seem to have different impacts on postprandial lipids and lipoprotein subclass concentrations.

Additional information

Contact the research support staff.

Published Mar. 25, 2019 3:33 PM - Last modified Mar. 25, 2019 3:56 PM