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Akademisk forum: Open meeting about Plan S

Akademisk Forum / Professor Association invites to an open meeting on Plan S, open publication and academic freedom. John-Arne Røttingen form The Research Council  meets Stølen, Graver and Gundersen for debate on the topic.

open access

The purpose of Open Access is that everyone should be able to read all research results freely. Minister of Research and Higher Education Iselin Nybø and Research Council of Norway Director General John-Arne Røttingen promote a Plan S for open access publication. They say that the proposal "has created some debate as we welcome". Plan S has been developed with the European Research Council (ERC) and various types of research councils from ten European countries. Rector Svein Stølen is absolutely sure that Open Access must be the goal based on society's legitimate claim that taxpayers' money will benefit taxpayers and a Nordic model based on an egalitarian approach to knowledge. But he asks: How should we reach the vision of open access without our researchers being able to take the noise by not being able to publish in what is today the leading journals?

There are still unresolved questions about what Open Access Publication and Plan S is about. Kristian Gundersen writes that Nybø's and Røttingen’s desire for debate is "just a mock attack". Hans Petter Graver has written that "it does not help the research is available to the public free if it can not be published freely".


Among the issues that will be highlighted is how publishing has worked so far at UiO, and what changes Plan S will bring with it.


  • Professor Svein Stølen, Rector UiO
  • John-Arne Røttingen, Director General , Research Council of Norway
  • Professor Hans Petter Graver, preses, The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
  • Professor Kristian Gundersen, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

 Chairman Professor Mads Andenæs, The Faculty of Law.


Published Dec. 9, 2018 3:53 PM - Last modified Jan. 2, 2024 4:39 PM