

  • Aru, Jaan; Siclari, Francesca; Phillips, William A.; Storm, Johan F. (2020). Apical drive - a cellular mechanism of dreaming? Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (In press)

  • Juel, Bjørn Erik; Romundstad, Luis; Storm, Johan Frederik; Larsson, Paal Gunnar  (2020). Validation of a new approach for distinguishing anesthetized from awake state in patients using Directed Transfer Function applied to raw EEG.  Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (In press)

  • Jaan Aru, Francesca Siclari, William A. Phillips, Johan F. Storm (2020). Apical drive - a cellular mechanism of dreaming? PsyRxiv
  • Bjørn Erik Juel, Luis Romundstad, Johan Frederik Storm, Paal Gunnar Larsson (2020). Validation of a new approach for distinguishing anesthetized from awake state in patients using Directed Transfer Function applied to raw EEG. MedRxiv
  • Nadine Farnes, Bjørn Erik Juel, André Sevenius Nilsen, Luis Romundstad, Johan Fredrik Storm (2019). Increased signal diversity/complexity of spontaneous EEG in humans given sub-anaesthetic doses of ketamine. BioRxiv


Published Feb. 26, 2019 12:21 PM - Last modified Jan. 2, 2024 4:39 PM