Norwegian version of this page

The NOR-Eden project

Our diets and food production systems negatively influence both the global environment and public health. How can we compile a diet that is both healthy and environmental sustainable, and at the same time take into consideration local food production and food culture? This is what we are trying to find answers to in the NOR-Eden project.

Hands holding a plant

Illustration: Colourbox

About the project

Our primary objective is to identify diets that are balanced with respect to health, environmental sustainability, consumer acceptability and affordability, and to provide evidence for transformation of existing food systems. NOR-Eden is one of our ongoing projects supporting this goal.

The NOR-Eden project is a trans-disciplinary project, crossing lines between diet, health, environment and climate change research. We aim to develop a basis for new evidence-based Norwegian dietary guidelines taking health, nutritional adequacy and sustainability aspects into account. The guidelines will be developed through modelling of scenarios and optimization estimations using a software infrastructure with integrated environmental, food and nutrient metrics. User involvement and knowledge about Norwegian food habits, food culture, agriculture, fisheries and natural resources will also inform the analysis reaching these guidelines. Through dialogue with municipalities and other actors, we will also explore how guidelines and knowledge from the NOR-Eden project can tailor and empower solutions for and transformation of the local food procurement and food served in public institutions towards a system supporting a healthy and sustainable diet.

So fare in the NOR-Eden project, we have compiled a database on environmental indicators including CO2-ekvivalents, acidification, eutrophication, water use and land use, and integrated it into an existing infrastructure including data on food and nutrients. Based on knowledge about dietary habits in Norway, the infrastructure we have developed, and statistical modelling, we have started to explore how to compose a diet, which is environmentally sustainable, nutritional adequate and healthy in different age groups.


The NOR-Eden project aims to add knowledge needed for transformations towards environmental sustainable food systems that produce healthy foods for everyone. The project will inform policy and public health actions and thereby facilitate the Norwegian Government’s effort to comply with their commitments to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.


Our diets and food production systems are negatively influencing both the global environment and public health. Obesity, undernutrition and climate change are the three largest health and societal challenges of the 21st century. A number of actions are needed to combat these extreme global threats, and changing eating habits and food systems are among them. Diet is the natural link between environmental sustainable food systems and human health.

In the present situation with soil degradation, water scarcity, climate change, biodiversity decline and population growth, the critical question is how to achieve environmental sustainable food systems that produce healthy foods for everyone.


This project is funded by the Research Council of Norway, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of Oslo and the Throne Holst Foundation.


The project is a collaboration project between the Department of Nutrition at the University of Oslo, Center for international Climate Research (CICERO), Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), SINTEF Ocean, Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.


Wright EC, van Oort B, Bjøntegaard MM, Carlsen MH, Andersen LF. Environmental and nutritional assessment of young children's diets in Norway: comparing the current diet with national dietary guidelines and the EAT-Lancet reference diet. Eur J Nutr. 2023 Aug 31. doi: 10.1007/s00394-023-03243-4. 

Andresen EC, Hjelkrem AR, Bakken AK, Andersen LF. Environmental Impact of Feeding with Infant Formula in Comparison with Breastfeeding. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 May 24;19(11):6397. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19116397.


Published Oct. 25, 2020 7:34 AM - Last modified May 21, 2024 12:36 PM
