
Doctoral Dissertations

  1. Tyssen R. Mental health problems among medical students and young physicians. A nationwide and longitudinal study. PhD thesis. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2001.
  2. Hem E. Suicidal behaviour in some human service occupations with special emphasis on physicians and police: A nationwide study. PhD thesis. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2004.
  3. Røvik JO. The role of personality in stress, burnout and help-seeking. A ten-year longitudinal study among Norwegian medical students and early career physicians. PhD thesis. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2009.
  4. Isaksson Rø KE. Emotional exhaustion and distress after a counselling intervention for physicians: a three-year prospective longitudinal cohort study. PhD thesis. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2010.
  5. Grotmol KS. Drinking and depression in Norwegian doctors. A 15-year longitudinal study. PhD thesis. Oslo: Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo 2012.
  6. Solberg I. Doctors’ job satisfaction during early career and economic recession. Prospective and cross-national studies in Norway and Iceland. PhD thesis. Oslo: Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo 2017.
  7. Hertzberg T. En jobb å leve med? en kvalitativ og kvantitativ studie blant norske leger om hvordan ønsket om å være en god lege utfordrer balansen mellom jobb og hjem. UiO 2018.


  1. Tyssen R. Når legen selv blir pasient, s 283-290. I Hem E, Vaglum P, Fyrand L, Nerdrum P (Red.) Pasienten og sykdommen – psykiske faktorer ved somatisk sykdom, Gyldendal Akademisk 2007
  2. Vaglum P. Legens utfordringer. Om følelsesmessige sider ved legeyrket. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, 2009 (242 s).
  3. Hem E, Haug C, red. Livet som lege. Oslo: Den norske legeforening, 2011 (117 s).
  4. Tyssen R. Personality traits, chapt 10 in:  Brower, KJ & Riba, MB (Eds): “Physician Mental Health and Well-being: Research and Practice” (Integrating Psychiatry and Primary Care series) Springer, USA, 2017

Published articles

  1. Vaglum P, Wiers-Jenssen J, Ekeberg Ø. Motivation for medical school: the relationship to gender and specialty preferences in a nationwide sample. Medical Education 1999; 33: 236-42.
  2. Vaglum P, Falkum E. Self-criticism, dependency and depressive symptoms in a nationwide sample of Norwegian physicians. Journal of Affective Disorders 1999; 52: 153-9.
  3. Wiers-Jenssen J, Aasland OG. Endring i medisinstudenters karrierepreferanser under første del av studiet. Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening 1999; 119: 2858-64.
  4. Tyssen R, Vaglum P, Grønvold NT, Ekeberg Ø. The impact of job stress and working conditions on mental health problems among junior house officers. A nationwide Norwegian prospective cohort study. Medical Education 2000; 34: 374-84.
  5. Hem E, Grønvold NT, Aasland OG, Ekeberg Ø. The prevalence of suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts among Norwegian physicians. Results from a cross-sectional survey of a nationwide sample. European Psychiatry 2000; 15: 183-9.
  6. Tyssen R, Vaglum P, Grønvold NT, Ekeberg Ø. Factors in medical schools that predict postgraduate mental health problems in need of treatment. A nationwide and longitudinal study. Medical Education 2001; 35: 110-120.
  7. Tyssen R, Vaglum P, Grønvold NT, Ekeberg Ø. Suicidal ideation among medical students and young physicians: a nationwide and prospective study of prevalence and predictors. Journal of Affective Disorders 2001; 64: 69-79.
  8. Hem E, Berg AM, Ekeberg Ø. Suicide in police – a critical review. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 2001; 31: 224-33.
  9. Tyssen R. Helseproblemer og helsetjeneste blant leger. Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening 2001; 121: 3527-32.
  10. Tyssen R. Lege-pasient-forholdet når pasienten også er lege. Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening 2001; 121: 3533-5.
  11. Tyssen R, Vaglum P. Mental health problems among young doctors: an updated review of prospective studies. Harvard Review of Psychiatry 2002; 10: 154-165.
  12. Tyssen R, Hem E, Vaglum P, Grønvold NT, Ekeberg Ø. The process of suicidal planning among medical doctors: predictors in a longitudinal Norwegian sample. Journal of Affective Disorders 2004; 80: 191-8 
  13. Kjøbli J, Tyssen R, Vaglum P, Aasland O, Grønvold NT, Ekeberg Ø. Personality traits and drinking to cope as predictors of hazardous drinking among medical students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 2004; 65: 582-5.
  14. Tyssen R, Røvik JO, Vaglum P, Grønvold NT, Ekeberg Ø. Help-seeking for mental health problems among young physicians: is it the most ill that seeks help? A longitudinal and nationwide study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2004; 39: 989-93.
  15. Gude T, Vaglum P, Tyssen R, Ekeberg Ø, Hem E, Røvik JO, Finset KB, Grønvold NT. Identification with the role of doctor at the end of medical school: a nationwide longitudinal study. Medical Education 2005; 39: 66–74.
  16. Rosvold EO, Tyssen R. Should physicians’ self-prescribing be restricted by law? Lancet 2005; 365: 1372–4.
  17. Finset KB, Gude T, Hem E, Tyssen R, Ekeberg Ø, Vaglum P. Which young physicians are satisfied with their work? A prospective nationwide study in Norway. BMC Medical Education 2005; 5: 19.
  18. Hem E, Stokke G, Tyssen R, Grønvold NT, Vaglum P, Ekeberg Ø. Self-prescribing among young doctors: A nine-year follow-up study of a nationwide sample. BMC Medicine 2005; 3: 16.
  19. Tyssen R, Vaglum P, Grønvold NT, Ekeberg Ø. The relative importance of individual and organizational factors for the prevention of job stress during internship: a nationwide and prospective study. Medical Teacher 2005; 27: 726–31.
  20. Kjeldstadli K, Tyssen R, Finset A, Hem E, Gude T, Grønvold NT, Ekeberg Ø, Vaglum P. Life satisfaction and resilience in medical school: a six-year longitudinal, nationwide and comparative study. BMC Medical Education 2006; 6: 48.
  21. Røvik JO, Tyssen R, Gude T, Moum T, Ekeberg Ø, Vaglum P. Exploring the interactions between personality dimensions: A comparison of the typological and the dimensional approach in stress research. Personality and Individual Differences 2007; 42: 1255–66.
  22. Tyssen R, Dolatowski FC, Røvik JO, Thorkildsen RF, Ekeberg Ø, Hem E, Gude T, Grønvold NT, Vaglum P. Personality types predict medical school stress: a nationwide longitudinal study. Medical Education 2007; 41: 781-7.      
  23. Tyssen R. Health problems and the use of health services among physicians: a review with particular emphasis on Norwegian studies. Industrial Health 2007; 45: 598-609.
  24. Røvik JO, Tyssen R, Hem E, Gude T, Grønvold NT, Ekeberg Ø, Vaglum P. Job stress in young physicians with an emphasis on the work-home interface: a nine-year, nationwide and longitudinal study of its course and predictors. Industrial Health 2007; 45: 661-670.
  25. Aasland, OG, Rovik JO, Wiers-Jensen J. Motives for choice of speciality during and after medical school. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2008; 128: 1833-7 (published in both English and Norwegian)
  26. Midtgaard M, Ekeberg Ø, Vaglum P, Tyssen R. Mental health treatment needs for medical students: a national longitudinal study. European Psychiatry 2008;23:505-11.
  27. Rø K, Gude T, Aasland OG, Tyssen R. Reduction in burnout after a counselling intervention for medical doctors: a one-year follow-up of the Villa Sana program. BMJ 2008; 337: 1146-9
  28. Tyssen R, Hem E, Gude T, Grønvold NT, Ekeberg Ø, Vaglum P. Lower life-satisfaction in physicians compared with a general population sample: a 10-year longitudinal, nationwide study of course and predictors. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2009; 44: 47-54.
  29. Grotmol KS, Vaglum P, Ekeberg O, Gude T, Aasland OG, Tyssen R. Alcohol expectancy and hazardous drinking: a 6-year longitudinal and nationwide study of medical doctors. European Addiction Research 2010; 16:17-22.
  30. Grotmol KS, Ekeberg Ø, Finset A, Gude T, Moum T, Vaglum P, Tyssen R.Parental bonding and self-esteem as predictors of severe depressive symptoms: a 10-year follow-up study of Norwegian physicians. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 2010; 198: 22-7.
  31. Solberg IB, Isaksson Rø KE, Aasland OG, Gude T, Moum T, Vaglum P, Tyssen R. The impact of change in a doctor’s job position: a five-year cohort study of job satisfaction among Norwegian doctors. BMC Health Services Research 2012, 12:41
  32. Grotmol KS, Gude T, Moum T, Vaglum P, Tyssen R. Risk factors at medical school for later  severe depression: A 15-year longitudinal, nationwide study (NORDOC). Journal of Affective Disorders 2013; 146: 106-11.
  33. Tyssen R, Palmer KS, Solberg I, Voltmer E, Frank E. Physicians’ perceptions of quality of care, professional autonomy, and job satisfaction in Canada, Norway, and the United States BMC Health Services Research 2013; 13:516
  34. Solberg IB, Tómasson K, Aasland O, Tyssen R. Cross-national comparison of  job satisfaction in doctors during economic recession. Occupational Medicine 2014, doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqu 114
  35. Mahmood J, Grotmol KS, Tesli M, Vaglum P, Tyssen R. Risk factors measured during medical school for later hazardous drinking: A 10-year longitudinal, nationwide study (NORDOC). Alcohol and Alcoholism 2015, DOI: Publ online: 3 June.
  36. Hertzberg TK, Isaksson Rø K, Vaglum P, Moum T, Røvik JO, Gude T, Ekeberg Ø, Tyssen R. Work-home interface stress: an important predictor of emotional exhaustion 15 years into a medical career. Industrial Health 2015; 54, 2-139
  37. Mahmood JI, Støen Grotmol K, Tesli M, Vaglum P, Tyssen R. Contextual Factors and Mental Distress as Possible Predictors of Hazardous Drinking in Norwegian Medical Doctors: A 15-Year Longitudinal, Nationwide Study. Eur Addict Res 2017;23:19-27.
  38. Gude T, Vaglum P. Parent being a physician: Any influence upon job stress in young physicians? A Norwegian prospective and longitudinal cohort study. PEC 2017;100 (11):2144-6.
  39. Belfrage A, Grotmol KS, Lien L, Moum T, Wiese RV, Tyssen R. Medical school predictors of later perceived mastery of clinical work among Norwegian doctors: a cohort study with 10-year and 20-year follow-up. BMJ Open, 2017; 7 (9) e014462; DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014462
  40. Belfrage A, Grotmol KS, Tyssen R, Moum T, Lien L. Factors associated with low vs increased perceived mastery of clinical work: a 20-year cohort study of Norwegian doctors.  BMC Medical Education, 2018; 18:116
  41. Tyssen R. What is the level of burnout that impairs functioning? (Editorial Comment) Journal of Internal Medicine, 2018; 283:594-6.
  42. Belfrage A, Grotmol KS, Tyssen R, Moum T, Finset A, Rø K, Lien L. Factors influencing doctors’ counselling on patients’ lifestyle habits British Journal of General Practice, BJGP Open 2018, 19;2(3):bjgpopen18X101607. doi: 10.3399/bjgpopen18X101607.
  43. Sletta C, Tyssen R, Løvseth LT. Change in subjective well-being over 20 years at two Norwegian medical schools and factors linked to well-being today: a survey. BMC Medical Education 2019; 19:45
Published May 16, 2019 12:46 PM - Last modified May 16, 2019 12:46 PM