
Oversikt over utgitte bøker der ansatte ved instituttet enten er forfatter eller redaktør.

Boken Kroppens funksjon og oppbygning beskriver kroppens normale funksjon (fysiologi) og struktur (anatomi). Denne kunnskapen danner grunnlaget for å kunne forstå hvordan sykdom oppstår og behandles, og for å kunne observere symptomer og tegn som tyder på avvik fra det normale.

In light of the increasing importance of these proteins and their ligands for our understanding of cellular growth, differentiation, and development, as well as of diseases such as obesity, insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, cancer, and inflammation, a team of internationally renowned editors and authors have compiled here the very first comprehensive book on these topics.

Over the past twenty years, the development of chromatin immunoprecipitation, or ChIP, assays has immensely enhanced the biological significance of the multifaceted DNA-binding proteins. In this book researchers deeply involved in the development and improvement of the field provide cutting-edge protocols devoted to the most recent progress in ChIP and related subjects.