Webpages tagged with «Victor Greiff»

Image may contain: Glasses, Shoulder, Smile, Dress shirt, Vision care.
Published Nov. 24, 2023 1:32 PM

In his project, Greiff will attempt to understand the rules of antibody-antigen binding, and how this knowledge can be used to develop effective therapeutic antibodies and vaccines.

Figure of immune reseptors.
Published Jan. 24, 2022 9:38 AM

The immune system stores enormous amounts of health and disease-relevant information. Researchers are attempting to decipher this information with the help of artificial intelligence, with the aim to develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic methods.

Image of Gunnveig Grødeland and Victor Greiff.
Published Sep. 3, 2021 8:18 AM

Increasing vaccine scepticism makes it more difficult to achieve herd immunity. We therefore need vaccines that protect each individual even better. Gunnveig Grødeland is now initiating the EU project VAXPRED.