Norwegian version of this page

Department of Microbiology

Hospital- and university functions are integrated in the department. Our main tasks include infection diagnostics, research and education.

We have a considerable research activity which includes both basic biological research and translational research. The basic research is especially related to DNA repair, genome stability, horizontal gene transfer and epigenetics.

The translational research cover studies of antimicrobial resistance, especially in bacteria and fungi, and pathogenesis in both bacterial and viral infections.

The department heads the research network “Turning the Tide of Antimicrobial resistance” (TTA).

We have nine research groups and about 80 employees in the department’s research section.

The diagnostic activity includes infection diagnostics, examinations of effects of antimicrobial agents, development of new diagnostic methods, and participation in advisory tasks at the clinical departments and to other requesters, together with infection testing of blood and organ donors for transplantation.

The department has a broad repertoire of analyses and performs about 1.1 million analyses annually. The total number of employees at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital is around 240.

Our university employees teach medical microbiology in studies of medicine, dentistry and nutrition at the University of Oslo.

At the Institute of Clinical Medicine we have seven academic staff and five engineers.


Postal address Postboks 4950 Nydalen, OUS HF Rikshospitalet, 0424 Oslo Visiting address Sognsvannsveien 20 Rikshospitalet 0372 Oslo Phone: +47 23071110 Email:

Unit codes

Cost center 13154010 Purchasing, finance, salary and more Old unit ID 531811 Vortex, FS and more