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Adult Psychiatry Unit

The Adult Psychiatry Unit (APU) has the main responsibility for teaching and research within adult psychiatry, and is the largest unit under the Division of Mental Health and Addiction.

APU covers research and teaching in the areas of anxiety, depression, personality disorders, eating disorders, trauma-related mental conditions, substance abuse, suicide problems, psychoses, psychiatric epidemiology, psychosomatic medicine, global mental health, psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, transcultural psychiatry and forensic psychiatry.

APU collaborates with the Department of Mental Health and Addiction at Oslo University Hospital on clinical research.

The unit also collaborates with several foreign reputable universities.


Postal address Postboks 1039 Blindern, 0315 Oslo Visiting address Sognsvannsveien 21 Bygg 4 0372 Oslo Phone: +47 22923756

Unit codes

Cost center 13152525 Purchasing, finance, salary and more Old unit ID 531014 Vortex, FS and more