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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit

Unit of child and adolescent psychiatry
 (BUP) has primary responsibility for teaching and research within child and youth psychiatry.

BUP covers research and teaching in most areas within child and adolescent psychiatry. Among the areas are psychiatric epidemiology, psychological problems in the first years of life, compulsions, tics, hyperkinetic disorder/ADHD, autism, anxiety, affective disorders/depression/suicidalproblems, behavioral disorders, trauma-related mental conditions, psychoses, psychosomatic medicine, neglect/abuse, school refusal and others.

The teaching is in the form of lectures, seminars, TBL and clinical small group teaching (basic groups).

BUP collaborates with the Clinic for Mental Health and Addiction at Oslo University Hospital and other relevant institutions within various research areas.


Postal address Postboks 1039 Blindern, 0315 Oslo Visiting address Sognsvannsveien 21 Bygg 14 Gaustad 0372 Oslo Phone: +47 22923400

Unit codes

Cost center 13152520 Purchasing, finance, salary and more Old unit ID 531013 Vortex, FS and more