Lise Solberg Nes

Image of Lise Solberg Nes
Norwegian version of this page
Mobile phone +47 91332341 +47 91332341
Visiting address OUS Aker sykehus Bygg 6 Trondheimsveien 235 0586 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 4959 Nydalen OUS Aker sykehus 0424 Oslo
Other affiliations Centres directly under the University Board (Student)

Current positions

  • Professor II, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway 
  • Head of Department, Department of Digital Health Research, Division of Medicine, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
  • Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, College of Medicine & Science, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA


  • Post-doctoral Fellowship (2009-2011)
    • Medical Psychology, Clinical Health Psychology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
  • Ph.D (2009)
    • Clinical Psychology, Clinical Health Psychology specialization, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
  • Pre-doctoral Internship/Residency (2008-2009)
    • Clinical Psychology, Medical/Health Psychology specialization, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
  • Master of Science (2004)
    • Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
  • Bachelor of Arts (2002)
    • Psychology / Philosophy. University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
  • Undergraduate level additionals (1993-1996)
    • Philosophy, Jurisprudence, University of Oslo, Oslo Norway

Research interests

Dr. Solberg Nes’ research currently focuses on the development and efficacy testing of digital interventions for patients with a variety of medical conditions.

For example, two of her largest current projects are focusing on designing, developing and testing the eHealth supported programs StressProffen, a stress-management intervention program for patients with cancer, and EPIO, a self-management intervention program for people living with chronic pain.

Another ongoing project, eCHANGE, examines the potential for an eHealth intervention program to support people with obesity in long-term weight maintenance following weight loss. The ZuperSmart project focuses on stress management for children, and the eBATTLE digital solution project; develop a digital support program for adolescent with overweight and obesity.

Solberg Nes’ research also examines the psychological and physiological impact of self-regulation, that is, people’s ability to exercise control and guide or alter reactions and behavior. For example, she has been examining the psychological and physiological impact of self-regulatory deficits in cancer and chronic multi-symptom related illnesses. Other research interests include quality of life, coping, adherence, personality and individual differences, as well as health behaviors.

Clinical interests

A PhD clinical psychologist by training, Dr. Solberg Nes’ interests center around supporting patients faced with a wide variety of acute or chronic medical illnesses. Her clinical services have included direct delivery of psychological assessment, intervention, treatment and consultation/consultation-liaison services.

Areas of special interest include adjustment to and coping with chronic illness, including chronic pain, cancer diagnoses/treatment, transplantation (blood/marrow and solid organ) challenges, bariatric and obesity issues (including pre/post-surgery), orofacial pain, spinal cord injuries, women’s health, effect of illness on family members and caregivers, and end of life or palliative care issues.

She is also interested in challenges surrounding health behavior change, stress-management, adherence, rehabilitation and sleep.


  • Licensed Psychologist in the state of Minnesota, USA 
  • Licensed (autorisert) Psychologist in Norway 
  • European Certificate in Psychology - EuroPsy Clinical Psychologist Reg. 

Recent funding, grants and projects

  • 2023-2025: Ada og Hagbart Waages stiftelse # September 2023.
    Digital Support of Treatment Goals Following Myocardial Infarction (OUS# 334541/63209.
    Project role: Principal Investigator (PI).
  • 2022-2025: Oslo University Hospital.
    Digital Stress Management for Health Care Providers.
    Project role: PI
  • 2022-2026: KLINBEFORSK (National Program for Clinical Treatment Research in Specialist Health Care) 2021.
    eHealth BehAvioral TreaTment of adolescent Obesity (eBATTLE Obesity). Funding granted to Vestfold Hospital Trust through PI Jøran Hjelmesæth.
    Project role; collaborating partner and local PI; Habition digital solution.
  • 2021-2024: KWF Kanker Betrijding, The Netherlands. Project # 12181.
    Title: Patient-centered development and effectiveness of online Acceptance-and-Commitment-Therapy for quality of life in cancer survivors with persistent painful chemotherapy-induced neuropathy (QLIPP-CIPN). Funding granted to Tilburg University through PI Hester Trompetter.
    Project role; collaborating partner, work package leader and local PI.  
  • 2019-2026: Regional resource center related to violence, traumatic stress and suicide prevention (RVTSØst).
    «ZuperSmart – a stress management solution for children» .
    Project role: PI
  • 2019-2026: Norwegian Cancer Society/Norwegian Cancer Registry.
    «Coping after Breast Cancer - CABC» (Funding awarded to the Norwegian Cancer Registry by Director/PI Giske Ursin).
    Project role: Collaborating partner and Local PI.
  • 2017-2024: Research Council of Norway # 256574/H10.
    “Living well with chronic pain: using person-centered e-health design to support self-management (ePAIN/EPIO)”.
    Project role: PI
  • 2017-2026: Oslo University Hospital, Oslo University Hospital Innovation grant. #2602-2018
    “eChange: Using eHealth design to facilitate lasting health behavior change”. Project role: PI
  • 2015-2024: Norwegian Cancer Society (Kreftforeningen). # 4602492-2013.
    "Testing a computerized interactive stress management intervention in early stage cancer: A randomized controlled trial (STRESSPROFFEN)".
    Project role: PI

Other appointments

  • 2024 – ongoing: Elected to Fellowship status in the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (ABMR)
  • 2024 – ongoing: Elected to Fellowship status in the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM)
  • 2023 - ongoing: External Advisory Committee member; Kentucky Idea Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (KY-INBRE). Funded through a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). Program Director; Martha Bickford, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA          
  • 2023 - ongoing: International member Behavioral Medicine Program (BMP) Cancer Stress Management Program and Translational Science Lab. Translational science of behavioral interventions to the practice setting. Mayo Clinic Cancer Center and Department/Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. Program Director; Shawna L. Ehlers.
  • 2023 - ongoing: Board member, DigPsyk; Norwegian Psychological Association’s Digital Health Association.
  • 2023 - ongoing: Steering committee member; eHealth BehAvioral TreaTment of adolescent Obesity (eBATTLE Obesity). Sykehuset i Vestfold, multisenterstudie ledet av PI Jøran Hjelmesæth.
  • 2022 - 2023: South-East Norway Health Authorities (Helse-Sør Øst RHF) Innovation Project Funding 2022. Title: Video health care for everyone (Video for alle – inkluderende videotjenester i helsevesenet). Principal Investigator: Sonja Erlenkamp, Sunnaas Hospital/Sykehus HF. *Project Role: Advisory Board/reference group member.
  • 2021 - 2025: The Norwegian Research Council: Program Helsevel. Title: PATHWAY: A toolkit for managing and communicating patient pathways. Principal Investigator: Ragnhild Halvorsrud, SINTEF Digital, Department of Software and Service Innovation, SINTEF. *Project Role: Advisory Board member.
  • 2021 - ongoing: Steering committee member & Research team member; Communication tool for health care providers and minority speaking patients. Oslo University Hospital/South-Eastern Norway Health Authorities, Oslo Norway.
  • 2020 - ongoing: Board member, dHealth AS; Digital health applications for proactive and better healthcare. Founded by Inven2, the Technology Transfer Office of the South-Eastern Norway Health Authorities, Oslo, Norway. Unpaid position - for conflict of interest regulations.
  • 2016 - ongoing: OUS Hospital Innovation Committee Member, representing Division of Medicine, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Oslo, Norway
  • 2015 - ongoing: Leaderteam Member, Division of Medicine, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
  • 2015 - ongoing: Divisional Research Committee Member, Division of Medicine, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Oslo, Norway



  • Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
  • University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
  • University or Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
  • University of Florida, Gainesville, MN, USA
  • University of Twente, Enchede, The Netherlands
  • University of Tilburg, Tilburg, The Netherlands


  • Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune; Hjelmesæth, Jøran Sture; Smedsrød, Mirjam Lien; Wentzel, Jobke; Clarke, Matthew & Kelders, Saskia M. [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2024). Implementation of a Digital Behavior Change Intervention (eCHANGE) for Weight Loss Maintenance Support: A Service Design and Technology Transfer Approach. Frontiers in Digital Health. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2024.1394599.
  • Strand, Elin Bolle; Solberg Nes, Lise ; Børøsund, Elin; Pripp, Are Hugo; Malarkey, William & Dammen, Toril (2024). Psychometric properties of the REMAP resilience scale in a Norwegian sample of ME/CFS patients and healthy controls. . Psychological Test Adaptation and Development (PTAD). 5, p. 163–174. doi: 10.1027/2698-1866/a000076. Full text in Research Archive
  • Svendsen, Karianne; Leithe, Sigrid; Trewin-Nybråten, Cassia Bree; Balto, Aina; Solberg Nes, Lise & Meland, Anders [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2024). How Did Breast Cancer Patients Fare during Different Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Norway Compared to Age-Matched Controls? Cancers. ISSN 2072-6694. 16(3), p. 1–17. doi: 10.3390/cancers16030602. Full text in Research Archive
  • Børøsund, Elin; Meland, Anders; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Rygg, Christine Marie; Ursin, Giske & Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). Digital Cognitive Behavioral- and Mindfulness-Based Stress-Management Interventions for Survivors of Breast Cancer: Development Study. JMIR Formative Research. ISSN 2561-326X. 7(1), p. 1–12. doi: 10.2196/48719. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Børøsund, Elin; Eide, Hilde; Varsi, Cecilie; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna & Schreurs, Karlein M G [Show all 13 contributors for this article] (2023). Short-Term Findings From Testing EPIO, a Digital Self-Management Program for People Living With Chronic Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. ISSN 1438-8871. 25. doi: 10.2196/47284. Full text in Research Archive
  • Watland, Solbjørg; Solberg Nes, Lise ; Hanson, Elizabeth; Ekstedt, Mirjam; Stenberg, Una & Børøsund, Elin (2023). The Caregiver Pathway, a Model for the Systematic and Individualized Follow-up of Family Caregivers at Intensive Care Units: Development Study. JMIR Formative Research. ISSN 2561-326X. 7, p. 1–17. doi: 10.2196/46299. Full text in Research Archive
  • van de Graaf, Daniëlle L; Smeets, Tom; van der Lee, Marije L.; Trompetter, Hester R.; Baars-Seebregts, Aafke & Børøsund, Elin [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2023). Patient-centered development of Embrace Pain: an online acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for cancer survivors with chronic painful chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Acta Oncologica. ISSN 0284-186X. p. 1–13. doi: 10.1080/0284186X.2023.2187260. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

  • Strand, Elin Bolle; Solberg Nes, Lise ; Børøsund, Elin; Eide, Hilde; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna & Schreurs, Karlein M. G. [Show all 14 contributors for this article] (2024). Participants’ experiences after using the EPIO pain self-management program – a qualitative study.
  • Strand, Elin Bolle; Nes, Lise Solberg; Børøsund, Elin; Eide, Hilde; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna & Schreurs, Karlein MG [Show all 14 contributors for this article] (2024). Participants’ experiences after using the EPIO pain self-management program – a qualitative study EAPM European association of psychosomatic medicine.
  • Solberg Nes, Lise (2024). Research and Innovation by the Department of Digital Health Research .
  • Børøsund, Elin; Nes, Lise Solberg & Rygg, Christine Marie (2024). StressProffen - Digital stressmesting for pasienter med kreft.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg; Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Waxenberg, Lori & Weiss, Karen E. [Show all 13 contributors for this article] (2024). Results from a one-year randomized controlled trial with the digital pain self-management intervention EPIO. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. ISSN 0883-6612. doi: 10.1093/abm/kaae014.
  • Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Ehlers, Shawna L.; Clark, Matthew; Andrykowski, Michael A & Nes, Lise Solberg (2024). How a Digital Stress-Management Intervention can Contribute to Psychosocial Well-being and Health-Related Quality of Life: A Qualitative Study.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg; Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Waxenberg, Lori B. & Weiss, Karen Elizabeth [Show all 14 contributors for this article] (2024). Results from a One-Year Randomized Controlled Trial with the Digital Pain Self-management Intervention EPIO.
  • Watland, Solbjørg; Nes, Lise Solberg & Børøsund, Elin (2024). Pårørende til kritisk syke - Veien videre.
  • Watland, Solbjørg; Børøsund, Elin & Nes, Lise Solberg (2024). Pårørende.
  • Ollivier, Marianne; Søiland, Nora Bergem; Hertel, Jens Kristoffer; Jøran, Hjelmeseth; Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune & Johnson, Line Kristin [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2024). Presentasjon av Habition.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg; Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna; Schreurs, Karlein MG & Waxenberg, Lori B. [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2024). EPIO©™ Et digitalt støtteprogram for de som lever med langvarige smerter.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg (2024). Research Based Health Applications.
  • Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune; Børøsund, Elin; Hjelmesæth, Jøran Sture; Smedsrød, Mirjam Lien; Ollivier, Marianne & Clark, Matthew [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2024). System Use Findings from a Pilot Trial with the Digital Weight Loss Maintenance Intervention eCHANGE.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg; Nordang, Elise Flakk; Ollivier, Marianne; Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune; Søiland, Nora Bergem & Johnson, Line Kristin [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2023). eBattle DIG – informasjonsmøte eBattle-prosjektet.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg; Ollivier, Marianne; Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune; Nordang, Elise Flakk; Søiland, Nora Bergem & Johnson, Line Kristin [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2023). eBattle – DIG.
  • Ollivier, Marianne; Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune; Nordang, Elise Flakk; Søiland, Nora Bergem; Johnson, Line Kristin & Danielsen, Yngvild Sørebø [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2023). eBattle – DIG. .
  • Børøsund, Elin & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). Oppfølging av pårørende på MI, presentasjon av modellen.
  • Børøsund, Elin & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). Oppfølging av pårørende på MI, presentasjon av modellen.
  • Børøsund, Elin & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). Oppfølging av pårørende på MI, presentasjon av modellen.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). Digital Health Solutions for the Management of Illness.
  • Børøsund, Elin & Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). Prosjekter ved avdeling for digital helseforskning, InvolverMeg, StressProffen og EPIO.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg; Børøsund, Elin; Rygg, Christine Marie & Bacolod, Maria Estefan Coloma (2023). StressProffen - a Stress-Management Tool for Health-Care Providers?
  • Lie, Irene; Røkeness, Sandra; Hasle, Camilla Holt; Johannsen, Nis; Skredsvik, Kari & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). Health care professionals’ most relevant phrases used in a digital medical translation tool in 24-7 communication with minority speaking heart surgery patients during hospitalization.
  • Lie, Irene; Røkeness, Sandra; Hasle, Camilla Holt; Johannsen, Nis; Skredsvik, Kari & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). A digital medical tool for health care professionals communication with minority speaking heart surgery patients during hospitalization: A qualitative study.
  • Børøsund, Elin & Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). Digitale løsninger for kommunikasjon og mestring ved Avdeling for digital helseforskning.
  • Børøsund, Elin; Bacolod, Maria Estefan Coloma & Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). StressProffen™© - Preparations for use in the NutriMind Project .
  • Nes, Lise Solberg; Børøsund, Elin; Rygg, Christine Marie & Bacolod, Maria Estefan Coloma (2023). StressProffen - a Stress-Management Tool for Health-Care Providers?
  • Nes, Lise Solberg; Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna & Schreurs, Karlein MG [Show all 14 contributors for this article] (2023). EPIO – a digital pain self-management program for people living with chronic pain.
  • Watland, Solbjørg; Nes, Lise Solberg; Hanson, Elizabeth; Ekstedt, Mirjam; Stenberg, Una & Børøsund, Elin (2023). Recruitment of vulnerable groups in research. -Experiences from recruitment of family caregivers of critically ill patients in an RCT.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Nordang, Elise Flakk & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). EPIO - et app-basert smertemestrings program. .
  • Nes, Lise Solberg & Børøsund, Elin (2023). The Role of being a Principal Investigator.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). Project Management, Roles, Quality and Culture.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Nes, Lise Solberg; Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde & Støle, Hanne Stavenes (2023). Mestringsstøttende apper i praksis: EPIO.
  • Børøsund, Elin & Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). Digitale løsninger for kommunikasjon og mestring.
  • Børøsund, Elin; Rygg, Christine Marie & Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). Stressmestringsstudien. Historien og veien videre.
  • Børøsund, Elin; Rygg, Christine Marie & Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). StressProffen-Et digitalt program for mestring av stress.
  • Børøsund, Elin; Rygg, Christine Marie & Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). Digital stressmestring for pasienter med kreft. Resultat fra en 12 måneders RCT av StressProffen.
  • Børøsund, Elin & Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). Avdeling for digital helseforskning. Digitale løsninger for kommunikasjon og mestring.
  • Børøsund, Elin; Meland, Anders; Eriksen, Hege Randi; Rygg, Christine Marie; Ursin, Giske & Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). CBT- and Mindfulness-based Support for Breast Cancer Survivors: Development of two Digital Stress-management Interventions.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). EPIO - the initial story.
  • Solem, Ingrid Konstanse Ledel; Varsi, Cecilie; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna; Eide, Hilde & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). A Human-Centered and Evidence-Informed Development Process of EPIO; An eHealth Self-Managment Intervention for People Living with Chronic Pain.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Nes, Lise Solberg & Støle, Hanne Stavenes [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2023). A Mixed Methods Evaluation of EPIO; A Digital Pain Self-Management Program for People Living with Chronic Pain.
  • Børøsund, Elin; Strand, Elin Bolle & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). EPIO RCT - Quantitative findings.
  • Strand, Elin Bolle; Varsi, Cecilie; Børøsund, Elin & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). EPIO RCT - Qualitative Findings.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). Commercialization - dHealth As.
  • Svendsen, Karianne; Nes, Lise Solberg; Meland, Anders; Larsson, Ine Marie; Gjelsvik, Ylva M. & Børøsund, Elin [Show all 17 contributors for this article] (2023). Coping After Breast Cancer: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial of Stress Management eHealth Interventions. JMIR Research Protocols. ISSN 1929-0748. 12. doi: 10.2196/47195. Full text in Research Archive
  • Nordang, Elise Flakk; Ekornås, Belinda; Rygg, Christine Marie; Strand, Elin Bolle & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). ZuperSmart - Stressmestringsverktøy for barn .
  • Solberg Nes, Lise ; Rygg, Christine Marie & Børøsund, Elin (2023). Research based eHealth solutions and StressProffen.
  • Nes, Lise Solberg; Børøsund, Elin; Rygg, Christine Marie & Bacolod, Maria Estefan Coloma (2023). StressProffen - et stressmestringsverktøy for helsepersonell?
  • Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune; Børøsund, Elin; Hjelmesæth, Jøran Sture; Smedsrød, Mirjam Lien; Ollivier, Marianne & Wentzel, Jobke [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2023). Engaging with eCHANGE - Users’ Experiences with an App-based Weight Loss Maintenance Intervention: A Pilot-Trial.
  • Solberg Nes, Lise ; Rygg, Christine Marie & Nordang, Elise Flakk (2023). ZuperSmart - et nytt stressmestringsverktøy for barn. Ekspertsykehuset OUS.
  • Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). Research Based Health Applications - Examples from the Department of Digital Health Research. Webinar "Good Quality Health Applications".
  • Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). The Department of Digital Health Research - and How We Work to Achieve and Maintain Good Work Environment.
  • Solberg Nes, Lise (2023). Financing the Department of Digital Health Research.
  • Solberg Nes, Lise ; Børøsund, Elin & Rygg, Christine Marie (2023). StressProffen - a Stress Management Tool for Health Care Providers?
  • Watland, Solbjørg; Nes, Lise Solberg & Børøsund, Elin (2023). Pårørende.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Bacolod, Maria Estefan Coloma & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). Å leve godt med langvarige smerter - EPIO.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Søiland, Nora Bergem & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). EPIO - Å leve godt med langvarige smerter.
  • Rygg, Christine Marie; Nordang, Elise Flakk; Ekornås, Belinda; Strand, Elin Bolle & Nes, Lise Solberg (2023). ZuperSmart - et stressmestringsverktøy for barn.
  • Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune; Børøsund, Elin; Hjelmesæth, Jøran Sture; Ollivier, Marianne; Smedsrød, Mirjam Lien & Wentzel, Jobke [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2023). Long-term Weight Maintenance After Weight Loss: Preliminary Findings from the eCHANGE Pilot Trial .
  • Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune; Ollivier, Marianne; Nordang, Elise Flakk; Søiland, Nora Bergem; Johnson, Line Kristin & Danielsen, Yngvild Sørebø [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2022). eBATTLE Obesity Trial (e-health Based treatment of AdolescenT obesiTy with Low energy diet and sEmaglutide).
  • Asbjørnsen, Rikke Aune; Hjelmesæth, Jøran; Smedsrød, Mirjam Lien; Wentzel, Jobke; Ollivier, Marianne & Clark, Matthew M [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2022). Vekstabilisering etter vektnedgang. Design og utvikling av et digitalt verktøy for varig livsstilsendring og vektstabilisering. .
  • Børøsund, Elin; Rygg, Christine Marie & Solberg Nes, Lise (2022). StressProffen™© - A digital stress managemenet program .
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Støle, Hanne Stavenes & Nes, Lise Solberg [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2022). Effekt av EPIO, et digitalt smertemestrings program.
  • Seljelid, Berit; Varsi, Cecilie; Solberg Nes, Lise & Børøsund, Elin (2022). Tailoring of a Digital Intervention, InvolveMe, to Facilitate Shared Decision Making in Chronic Care.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine & Nes, Lise Solberg (2022). Å leve med kronisk sykdom.
  • Strand, Elin Bolle; Solberg Nes, Lise & Børøsund, Elin (2022). Om DIG - Utvalgte prosjekter.
  • Watland, Solbjørg; Nes, Lise Solberg & Børøsund, Elin (2022). Utvikling av en modell for å støtte pårørende til kritisk syke.
  • Solberg Nes, Lise & Børøsund, Elin (2022). StressProffen - bedre livskvalitet for deg som har eller har hatt kreft. Ekspertsykehuset OUS.
  • Solberg Nes, Lise (2022). Digital støtte for bedre helse og livskvalitet. Ekspertsykehuset OUS.
  • Solberg Nes, Lise ; Børøsund, Elin & Rygg, Christine Marie (2022). StressProffen - en stressmestringsløsning for helsepersonell?
  • Børøsund, Elin; Rygg, Christine Marie & Solberg Nes, Lise (2022). StressProffen™© - et stressmestringsverktøy for helsepersonell i MED? .
  • Børøsund, Elin & Solberg Nes, Lise (2022). EPIO©™. Et evidensbasert og personsentrert digitalt selvhjelpsprogram for mestring av langvarige smerter.
  • Børøsund, Elin & Solberg Nes, Lise (2022). Stressmestringsstudien. Resultat og erfaringer fra RCT.
  • Børøsund, Elin; Ehlers, Shawna; Clark, Matthew M; Andrykowski, Michael A; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova & Solberg Nes, Lise (2022). A 12-months Randomized Controlled Trial with StressProffen™©.
  • Børøsund, Elin & Solberg Nes, Lise (2022). StressProffen™ - Effektiv, digital stressmestring for pasienter med kreft. BestPractise Nordic oncologi/hematologi. p. 15–17.
  • Børøsund, Elin & Solberg Nes, Lise (2022). Digitale løsninger for mestring av stress, smerter og vektstabilisering etter vektnedgang.
  • Børøsund, Elin & Solberg Nes, Lise (2022). StressProffen™ – App-basert program for mestring av stress.
  • Nordang, Elise Flakk; Rygg, Christine Marie; Ekornås, Belinda; Strand, Elin Bolle & Nes, Lise Solberg (2022). ZuperSmart - Stressmestringsverktøy for barn.
  • Nordang, Elise Flakk; Ekornås, Belinda; Rygg, Christine Marie; Strand, Elin Bolle & Nes, Lise Solberg (2022). ZuperSmart -Stressmestringsverktøy for barn.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Børøsund, Elin; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna & Schreurs, Karlein MG [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2022). Pasienters erfaringer med det digitale smertemestringsprogrammet EPIO: en kvalitativ studie.
  • Watland, Solbjørg; Nes, Lise Solberg & Børøsund, Elin (2022). Pårørende til kritisk syke - Veien videre.
  • Watland, Solbjørg; Solberg Nes, Lise & Børøsund, Elin (2022). The Caregiver Pathway -A model to support Caregivers of critically ill patients.
  • Watland, Solbjørg; Nes, Lise Solberg & Børøsund, Elin (2022). Pårørende til intensivpasienter.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Nordang, Elise Flakk & Schreurs, Karlein MG [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2022). Bruk og opplevd nytte av det digitale smertemestringsprogrammet EPIO: en pilotstudie.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Varsi, Cecilie; Børøsund, Elin; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna; Schreurs, Karlein MG & Waxenberg, Lori B. [Show all 11 contributors for this article] (2022). Pasienters erfaringer med det digitale smertemestringsprogrammet EPIO: en kvalitativ studie.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Nordang, Elise Flakk & Schreurs, Karlein MG [Show all 12 contributors for this article] (2022). Bruk og opplevd nytte av det digitale smertemestringsprogrammet EPIO: en pilot studie.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Børøsund, Elin; Eide, Hilde; Varsi, Cecilie; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna & Schreurs, Karlein MG [Show all 13 contributors for this article] (2022). Short-term Efficacy Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial with EPIO – a Digital Pain Self-Management Program.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Børøsund, Elin; Nordang, Elise Flakk & Stubhaug, Audun [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2022). EPIO™ – engasjerende og støttende digital smertemestring for pasienter med langvarig smerte. Best Practice. ISSN 1329-1874.
  • Støle, Hanne Stavenes; Bostrøm, Katrine; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna & Børøsund, Elin [Show all 14 contributors for this article] (2022). EPIO - Å leve godt med langvarige smerter.
  • Solem, Ingrid Konstanse Ledel; Bostrøm, Katrine; Støle, Hanne Stavenes; Nes, Lise Solberg; Varsi, Cecilie & Eide, Hilde [Show all 13 contributors for this article] (2022). Smertemestringsstudien EPIO.
  • Børøsund, Elin; Nes, Lise Solberg; Varsi, Cecilie & Seljelid, Berit (2024). “Development and evaluation of a digital patient-provider communication intervention to facilitate shared decision-making in chronic health-care settings: InvolveMe”. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Bostrøm, Katrine & Nes, Lise Solberg (2024). A Mixed Methods Evaluation of EPIO; a Digital Pain Self-management Program for People Living with Chronic Pain. Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 978-82-348-0322-2.

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Published Oct. 10, 2018 3:03 PM - Last modified Jan. 22, 2024 10:50 AM

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