Events - Page 2


Title: “Identifying the precursors of anti-TG2 plasma cells”  

Speaker: Rasmus Iversen


Title: "Deep phenotyping of CD4+ T-cells in CeD patients on long term GFD"

Speaker: Elio Magistrelli (Ph.D student, Sollid group)

Time and place: , Zoom conference

Title: "Gluten reative T-cells in celiac disease"

Speaker:  Markéta Chlubnová (Ph.D student, Sollid group)

Time and place: , Zoom conference

Title: "Drug treatment of CD - background, opportunities, results and plans"

Speaker:  Knut E. A. Lundin

Time and place: , Zoom conference

Title: "Gluten-specific CD4+ T cells upon initiation of gluten-free diet"

Speaker:  Louise F Risnes 

Time and place: , Zoom conference

Title: "Inference of Ig V genes: What we learned from naïve BCR repertoires"

Speaker: Ivana Mikocziova

Time and place: , Zoom conference

Title: "Role of gut plasma cells in celiac disease"

Speaker: Lene Støkken Høydahl

Time and place: , Zoom

MSc Ida Lindeman at Institute of Clinical Medicine will be defending the thesis “Transcriptional profiling and clonal inference of B-lineage cells in autoimmune diseases - One cell at a time” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

Time and place: , Zoom

MSc Ida Lindeman at Institute of Clinical Medicine will give a trial lecture on the given topic: Interplay of innate and adaptive immune responses in driving gut autoimmune diseases.

Time and place: , Zoom

Title: "The frequency and specificity of gluten-reactive CD4+ T cells in the gut"

Speaker: Shuo-Wang Qiao

Time and place: , Zoom conference

Title: “Machine learning for immune receptors with immuneML"

Speaker: Milena Pavlovic

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title: “γδ and CD8+ αβ T-cells in coeliac disease during gluten challenge”  

Speaker: Linn M Eggesbø

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title: "T+B collaboration in celiac disease in a mouse model"

Speaker: Christian Borgen Lindstad

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title: “Single-cell analyses of gluten-specific T cells and functional investigation of CD161+ gluten-specific T cell clones.”

Speaker:  Łukasz A Wyrożemski

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title: "Inferring and predicting epitope specificity from public TCR sequences in celiac disease”

Speaker:  Louise F Risnes 


Welcome to our informal lunch seminar B cell repertoire, specificity and function!

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title: "Phenotype and origin of TG2-specific B-cell populations"

Speaker: Rasmus Iversen

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title: B-cell tolerance and antibody production to the celiac disease autoantigen transglutaminase 2

Speaker: Fleur du Pre

Time and place: , Refsnes Gods, Moss

The J CoDiRC annual retreat 2019 takes place at Refsnes Gods, Moss from June 13-14

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title:  "Phenotype and function of gluten-specific CD4+ T cells in celiac disease"

Speaker: Asbjørn Christophersen

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title: "Persistent gastrointestinal symptoms and effect of FODMAP reduction in patients with coeliac disease"

Speaker: Frida van Megen

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title: "Kinetics and transcriptome of gluten-specific T cells in blood after gluten challenge"

Speaker: Stephanie Zühlke 

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title: "Single-cell transcriptom analysis of immune cells from celiac disease patients."

Speaker: Ying Yao (Qiao lab)  

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title: "Development and use of pMHC-specific antibodies to study antigen presentation in celiac disease" 

Speaker: Lene Støkken Høydahl

Time and place: , Rikshospitalet, møterom A2.2068C/D

Title: "The TCR response in Coeliac Disease"

Speaker: Ralf Neumann