Using ‘omics’ to translate genetic variation to phenotypic variation

Are you interested in learning more about how ‘omics’ can learn us more about the interplay between genes, environment, and disease?

You are all invited to an exciting seminar organized by Professor Cisca Wijmenga, Professor of Human Genetics from the University Medical Center Groningen, and Professor II at the Department of Immunology, University of Oslo.



10.00   What did 10 years of GWAS learn us about celiac disease?
            Cisca Wijmenga.

10.45   Break with coffee and refreshments

11.00   Genes and environment in liver disease – which is most important in 2017?
            Tom Hemming Karlsen

11.45   Host immune function is orchestrated by genes and environment.
            Cisca Wijmenga.

12.30   Lunch for all registered participants

13.30   Transcriptome profiling of immune cells isolated from thymus.
            Hanna Helgeland

14.15   Our second genome:
            a vital organ integrating host genome and host environment

            Cisca Wijmenga.

About the lecturers

  • Professor Wijmenga was recruited to UiO as part of the strategy to build a world leading research environment for Human Immunology. She is one of the top leading researchers in the world in the field of systems genetics, working to unravel the molecular mechanisms through which genetic variation causes immune-related disease. Wijmenga is also a group leader in the K.G. Jebsen Coeliac Disease Research Centre.
  • Professor Karlsen is head of the Norwegian PSC Research Center and group leader at the Division of Surgery, Inflammatory Medicine and Transplantation. He has a strong research focus on disease causes, primarily through large-scale genetic studies.
  • Dr. Helgeland comes from the Genetics of autoimmunity and cancer research group, Department of Medical Genetics, University of Oslo, and works with transcriptome profiling of immune cells.

The seminar is aimed at PhD students and Postdocs at UiO and OUH, but is open to all.


To sign up for the seminar, please register by March 10



The research environment Human Immunology, lead by Professor Ludvig M. Sollid
Published Feb. 15, 2017 12:48 PM - Last modified Mar. 18, 2019 11:54 AM