
Time and place: , Zoom conference

Title: "T cell receptors as potential diagnostic marker for celiac disease"

Speaker:  Shiva Dahal-Koirala

Time and place: , A2.2068C/D

Title: "Treated coeliac patients with persistent gastrointestinal symptoms"

Speaker:  Frida van Megen

Time and place: , A2.2068C/D

Title: "A high-affinity human TCR-like antibody detects celiac disease gluten peptide-MHC complexes and inhibits T cell activation"

Speaker:  Lene S Høydahl 

Time and place: , Zoom

Title: "Phenotyping intestinal plasma cells in coeliac disease and controls"

Speaker: Ida Lindeman

Time and place: , Zoom conference

Title: "Anti-gliadin antibodies - crystals and phage display"

Speaker: Julie Elisabeth Heggelund

Time and place: , Zoom

Title:  "Drug treatment of coeliac disease - are we finally there"

Speaker: Knut E.A. Lundin

Time and place: , Zoom

Title: "immuneML: an ecosystem for machine learning analysis of adaptive immune receptor repertoires"

Speaker: Milena Pavlovic and Lonneke Scheffer (Sandve lab)

Time and place: , Zoom conference

Title: “T-cells in celiac disease: Direct sorting of gluten reactive T-cells based on their phenotype"

Speaker: Markéta Chlubnová


Title: "Characteristics of intestinal plasma cells in coeliac disease and controls"

Speaker: Ida Lindeman (post.doc Sollid group) 


Title: “Identifying the precursors of anti-TG2 plasma cells”  

Speaker: Rasmus Iversen


Title: "Deep phenotyping of CD4+ T-cells in CeD patients on long term GFD"

Speaker: Elio Magistrelli (Ph.D student, Sollid group)