Retreat at Kleivstua 2018

All J CoDiRC members, associated members, Scientific Advisory Board and Patient Advisory Council enjoyed a two-day seminar at Kleivstua February 13-14 to present and discuss current research on coeliac disease in the Centre.

The program included excellent keynote lectures by Professors Gunilla Karlsson Hedestam and Vivianne Malmström from Karolinska Institutet, and a work shop chaired by Professor Inger Sandlie (UiO) on how to combine science and innovation. A meeting with the SAB and PAC was also included in the program. There were also 23 talks and posters presented by students and researchers in the centre.

The organizing committee had set aside some time to go cross country skiing in the woods at Krogskogen in beautiful weather and lots of snow.

Our members from Groningen spent a few more days in our laboratories at Rikshospitalet a few days before and after the retreat, to discuss projects and methods in more detail. 

Published Feb. 22, 2018 12:51 PM - Last modified June 14, 2023 12:01 PM