Award to J CoDiRC at Forskerfestivalen 2022

On September 22, the science fair "Forskerfestivalen" was arranged at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. Forskerfestivalen is the largest public dissemination event at UiO and gives the general audience a glimpse of research topics from the Medical Faculty and Department of Pharmacy. The stand from J CoDiRC presented the wonders of the small intestine and the magic of gluten. 

Prize science fair

Foto: E.Thorgersen

A bath mat of course! 

Image may contain: Smile, Table, Cooking, Event, Cuisine.

Dissemination of science to a general audience can be challenging- but a fun challenge. A team from JCoDiRC (Jorunn Stamnæs, Louise F Risnes and Alisa Dewan) went all in to create a visual and tangible presentation of the small intestine, the complex processes that occur in the celiac intestine and how research is done to learn more about the disease. A second important point was to visually demystify gluten, which has become a mythical entity rather than a (to most people) harmless plant storage protein with cool biochemical properties. The team made us of a range of everday items to visualize key concepts: the small intestine- a bath mat of course. The coeliac intestine- a bath mat without villi! T cells, B cells and gluten were represented and the stand had multiple quizes and user engagements (including candy).  

celiac intestine bath mat
Foto: LF.Risnes

The team also created a coeliac "flyer" explaining the key processes of the coeliac pathogenesis in a cartoon format (in Norwegian). You can download the full format flyer here. The following image stream will give you a tour of the event! 

(Video made by Michael Risnes)





Published Mar. 8, 2023 9:43 PM - Last modified June 14, 2023 12:01 PM