SERAF in numbers 2015

2015 has been a very exciting, informative and productive year at SERAF. Here is a summary of what we have been doing in the past year.

SERAF in numbers 2015

  • We have contributed to 60 scientific articles
  • 5 Ph.D defenses have been held
  • 450 participants from 18 different countries attended our Conference on Overdose Prevention and ThINCBergen 2015
  • 131 participants attended our university courses on Addiction Medicine and on Substance Abuse and Mental disorders
  • SERAF got 311 followers on Facebook and 438 on Twitter
  • We have been more than 270 times in both national and international media during 2015
  • On our official Norwegian website we have published 53 news stories and written 5 blog posts, and the page has had over 32,400 visits this year.

We have many exciting things planned for 2016 as well. If you want to keep up with what's happening at SERAF in the next year, you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and on our website

And with this we want to wish all our collaborators, colleagues and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!



By Julie Nybakk Kvaal og Pål H. Lillevold
Published Dec. 21, 2015 10:06 AM - Last modified Sep. 8, 2023 10:11 AM