COVID-19 among drug users in Norway

Researchers at SERAF and partners have recently published an article on COVID-19 among drug users in the downtown environments of Oslo, Bergen and Kristiansand.


Data collection during lockdown

Data collection took place in May and June 2020; in the early stages of the pandemic in the period immediately following the "lockdown".

An interview-based survey on COVID-19 was conducted among 226 drug users from Oslo, Bergen and Kristiansand. Interviewers were previous users (from user associations) and employees on low-threshold measures and in outreach services.

Among those included were 7/10 men, the average age was 44 years and about half described themselves as injecting drug users and about 50% were patients in OMT (opioid maintenance treatment).

Aware of common symptoms of COVID-19

The survey shows that 2/3 of the sample knew common symptoms of COVID-19 and that over 90% were willing to be tested if they developed symptoms.

Two thirds of the participants did not know about the isolation units for COVID-infected drug users that were established in Oslo and Bergen.

Patients in OMT had better knowledge of COVID-19 symptoms and the special measures than those who were not in OMT.

Over 60 per cent reported that the drugs had become more expensive, primarily cannabis / hashish.

Information towards vulnerable groups

The study shows the need for customized information aimed at vulnerable groups in a crisis, such as the pandemic in the spring of 2020.

People who use drugs, but with a connection to the treatment system, had more knowledge about COVID-19 symptoms and the range of services.

It may seem that being in drug treatment, with the stabilization it provides, was also a tool for better knowledge about infection control. On the other hand, just under half of those included in the study were not in drug treatment and these had lower knowledge both about symptoms of COVID-19 and about treatment options.

This points to the importance of adapted information for different target groups and the importance of making such information available in a suitable format to reach the target groups.

Read the full article here


Published Oct. 13, 2020 10:13 AM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2020 1:41 PM