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A qualitative longitudinal study of traumatic orthopaedic injury survivors’ experiences with pain and the long-term recovery trajectory

Researchers at the Oslo University Hospital and SERAF have interviewed individuals who had experienced a serious surgical trauma in the period after discharge from the hospital.

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In this recently published article, we spoke with individuals 18 months after discharge from the hospital, and many were still troubled by pain, reduced function, and mental health issues.

Several had experienced fluctuations in their progress during the period from discharge up to the 18-month follow-up.

Several were still using opioid pain relievers after 18 months, and the authors suggest that trauma patients be followed up more closely and regularly after discharge from the hospital, with follow-ups concerning function, pain, mental health, and opioid use.


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Published Mar. 11, 2024 3:31 PM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2024 3:31 PM