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Eline Borger Rognli is a psychologist who has worked many years in the clinic treating patients with substance abuse problems. She is a popular speaker on topics such as the use of motivational interviewing (MI) and the treatment of patients with substance abuse and mental disorders.

At SERAF she is researching the relationship between substance abuse and psychosis. Get better acquainted with our PhD student Eline Borger Rognli.

In a new study by researchers from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, SERAF and Hedmark University College, the results show that more young people aged 0-17 years are using psychotropic drugs than ten years ago. This is the most comprehensive overview of trends in the use of psychotropic drugs among children and young people so far made in Norway.

As a child she wanted to be a carpenter. Maybe that is the reason she believes a good scientist should be willing to learn from others and build on the existing knowledge, in true carpenter spirit.

Get to know our PhD student Ingeborg Skjærvø in this month’s Phd profile.

As SERAF’s Danish alibi, he is investigating the use of addictive drugs in both Norway and Denmark. He is passionate about uniting the Danish field on addiction research, but he would probably also enjoy himself as team doctor for the Danish national football team. Get to know Phd-candidate Christian Tjagvad.

Several coincidences led Marianne T. S. Holter to SERAF as a PhD candidate: With a background in psychology, experience from being a counselor at the Norwegian Quit-line for smoking, and with both an interest in and an expertise on smoking cessation, she was the perfect candidate for the project on eHealth interventions and smoking cessation at SERAF.

Doctoral student at SERAF, Ingvild Holdø wants to find out more about the use of prescription medication in children under the age of three, and develop knowledge about more accurate use of sleep medications.

Ashley Muller received one of three awards given to the best masters theses of 2014 on topics related to Oslo. Knowledge Oslo is a cooperation between the municipality and the city’s many knowledge institutions, and distributes yearly research awards to studies that have contributed to Oslo’s knowledge base.