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Blood Cell Group

Blood cells have various tasks. We study mechanisms regulating inflammation and coagulation, with focus on extracellular vesicles. 

Our research aims to disclose the roles of blood cells and extracellular vesicles in coagulation and inflammation.

Experimental meningococcal disease, like human monocytes and lymphocytes, whole blood models and patient samples, are used as model system.

Laboratory-oriented coagulation research to improve clinical diagnostics in patients with increased thrombotic/bleeding tendency is another focus area. 

The Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Ullevål, and the Microarray Core Facility Ullevål are also parts of our Group.


We have ongoing projects to identify and characterize hemoglobin variants and their influence on erythrocyte variables.

We are also engaged in collaboration projects determining possible association between genetic variation in “vulnerable genes” and different clinical end points. 

  • On the procoagulant properties of human monocytes and monocyte-derived microparticles
  • Monocytes and microparticles in experimental and clinical settings of meningococcal disease – with special focus on tissue factor
  • Pro- and anti-inflammatory resonse in human meningococcal disease.
  • Genetic changes in sepsis; Studies of gene expression in FFPE tissues from patients with systemic meningococcal disease
  • Laboratory-oriented coagulation research in patients with increased thrombotic/bleeding tendency
  • Identification and characterization of hemoglobin variants in  hemoglobinopathies  and their influence on erythrocyte varables
  • Association studies of DNA and RNA variation in health and disease
  • Endocytosis of extracellular vesicles (EV)
  • Implementation and validation of methods for isolation of EV from plasma
  • Functional microparticle (MP)-associated tissue factor (TF) as a potential biomarker of thrombosis in cancer


Published Sep. 19, 2017 2:34 PM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2020 9:56 AM


Group leader


  • Olav Inge Klingenberg University of Oslo
  • Peter Kierulf University of Oslo
  • Jens Petter Berg University of Oslo
  • Carola Elisabeth Henriksson University of Oslo
  • Petter Brandtzæg University of Oslo
  • Kari Bente Foss Haug
  • Ole Kristoffer Olstad
  • HC Dalsbotten Aass
  • Marit Hellum
  • Anne Marie Siebke Trøseid
  • Berit Brusletto
  • Runa Grimholt
  • Trude Asplin
  • Åshild Amelie Sudmann-Day
  • Bente Fjeld
  • Anne Cecilie Larstorp
  • Erik Kolberg Amundsen
  • Kristin Wickstrøm
  • Christina Binde
  • Erik Pareli Wåland
Detailed list of participants