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CNG ("Clinical Neuroscience Group") is the research and development unit at the Neuroclinic, Ahus. The unit consists of four subgroups, each with its own research projects.

Cognitive impairment and dementia

  • Dementia Disease Initiation. Cross-regional project which aims to establish uniform diagnostics, especially with regard to biomarkers, at all university centres.
  • Precision Medicine in Alzheimer's disease (PMI-AD). JPND/Horizon 2020-funded project based on CNG/Ahus. The project follows patients with cognitive impairment, not dementia, over time to find out what triggers progression to dementia. Image examinations, blood and spinal fluid tests are central.
  • Developing BBB-ASL as a non-invasive early biomarker of Alzheimer's Disease (DEBBIE). JPND/Horizon 2020-funded project including patients with pre-demented Alzheimer's disease to find biomarkers for small vessel damage in the brain.
  • Assisted peptide and Protein Clearance as a novel treatment in Alzheimer's Disease (APC-AD). Sponsor-funded translational project that uses stem cell and molecular biology experimental techniques as well as bioinformatics to find new treatment principles.
  • Mechanisms and biomarkers in Lewy body disease. NFR-funded project, in collaboration with Pre-Diagnostics AS based on CNG IP. The project follows patients with Lewy body disease such as Early stage Parkinson's. Special focus on early cognitive symptoms to find out what triggers progression to dementia. Image examinations, blood and spinal fluid tests are central.

Cerebrovascular diseases

  • Study of Antithrombotic Treatment after Intracerebral Haemorrhage (STATICH)
  • NOACISP (Novel Oral AntiCoagulants and vitamin K-antagonists In Stroke Patients) Acute Registry: Intracerebral haemorrhage in patients taking different types of oral anticoagulants – a pooled individual patient data analysis
  • Intracerebral Haemorrhage in a Norwegian population - a prospective long-term follow-up study 2020-2029
  • The Akershus Cerebellar Haemorrhage Evaluation study (ACHE-3)
  • The Akershus Study of Ischemic Stroke and Thrombolysis 1 (ASIST-1)
  • Lacunar infarcts and small vessel disease – a follow up study
  • Life after stroke study (LAST-long). A Norwegian long-term follow-up project. The introduction of the pathway of stroke care from onset of symptoms until 3 months poststroke.
  • Stroke of unknown cause: The impact of long-term heart monitoring on stroke recurrence
  • Epidemiology, clinical and radiological presentation and prognosis of cerebral venous thrombosis in a Norwegian population (NoCVT)
  • Exploring the biology and prognosis of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (ExBP-CVT) – a prospective observational cohort study.

Multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

  • Treatment of the elderly with multiple sclerosis - a registry-based study that maps the effect and risks of treating MS in different age groups.
  • Risk factors for the development of multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - Epidemiological research project using health records to map the importance of environmental factors for the development of MS and ALS.
  • Studies of disease mechanisms in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Molecular biological studies of how nerve cells become diseased in ALS.
  • Disease mechanisms in multiple sclerosis and other inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system. Studies of how T and B cells attack the central nervous system in MS and other inflammatory diseases.


  • Partner and responsible for OU2 (Clinical Care Implementation) in NorHEAD (Norwegian Center for Headache Research), research center for clinical treatment with 50% funding from the Research Council.
  • Ongoing clinical treatment studies: CandMig3 (Candesartan in episodic migraine), Cer-Mig-2 (biofeedback in episodic migraine), RESOLUTION (eptinezumab in chronic migraine and medication overuse headache).
  • Multidisciplinary treatment of headaches (MultiHEAD). Studying the effect and socio-economic aspects of headache treatment in a multidisciplinary team with a nurse, doctor, physiotherapist and psychologist in collaboration with NAV.
  • Hormones and migraines. Development of diagnostic tools, treatment and studies of disease mechanisms.
  • The Akershus aCute Headache Evaluation 1 (ACHE-1). Investigation of how hyperacute headache is managed in hospital. Includes an epidemiological progress study on subarachnoid haemorrhage.


Published Nov. 14, 2022 10:39 AM - Last modified Nov. 16, 2022 3:16 PM