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Forensic Genetics

The group’s research focuses on forensic based DNA technology.

Our primary aim is to develop methods and tools which provide valuable information in criminal cases and inferences of relationship.

The group has developed state-of-the-art tools and methods for the interpretation of complex mixed DNA profiles as well as for relationship inference.

We also work to improve methods for the sampling of biological material, improvement of forensic DNA database search and match reporting, developing new MPS panels for various purposes, improving and evaluating new methods for relationship inference, increasing the understanding of forensic DNA trace transfer and persistence and to improve cell type identification in forensic casework.

The group is a member of Euroforgen-NoE. We are closely integrated with routine work to facilitate education and implementation, and have a broad international network of experts in related areas. The members of the group are regularly invited to teach at various international events organized by e.g. the International Society for Forensic Genetics.


  • UiO:Life Science: Medical, legal and lay understandings of physical evidence in rape cases (Evidently Rape)
  • Development and maintenance of software to validate methods (STR-validator), and to compare (CaseSolver) and interpret (EuroForMix) complex mixed DNA profiles in crime cases. The software is used by many laboratories worldwide.
  • Development and maintenance of software to establish relationships based on DNA data (Familias), and to handle linked markers in relationship inference (FamLink and FamLinkX). All software is widely used by many forensic laboratories.
  • Developing and improving methods to obtain usable DNA profiles from more traces.
  • Transfer, persistence and recovery of forensic DNA traces. The application of Bayes Nets to interpret evidence that is relevant at the activity level.
  • Novel applications of massively parallel sequencing in forensic genetics e.g. microbiome, body fluid identification, and extending existing methods to detect highly degraded materials and to improve discriminating power.
  • Create custom MPS panels with a great number of SNP markers (collaboration with the supplier) with applications both in relationship inference, ancestry inference and mixture evaluations.

International Collaborations

The group has a broad international network of experts in related areas.

Published Dec. 15, 2017 10:10 AM - Last modified June 19, 2023 1:19 PM


Group leader


  • Peter Gill University of Oslo
  • Helen Maria Johannessen University of Oslo
  • Eirik Hanssen
  • Oskar Hansson
  • Øyvind Bleka
  • Daniel Kling
  • Erik Bergseth
  • Maria Martin Agudo
  • Chiara Fantinato
Detailed list of participants