The Antisocial Project

A Feasibility Study of Mentalization Based Treatment for Antisocial Personality Disorder in Norway


Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) has serious individual and societal consequences. Among patients with substance use disorder (SUD) around 25 % have ASPD. There is a lack of European guidelines on how to approach this patient group in treatment. No significant evidence on effective treatment for this patient group has been published. Some promising pilot and feasibility studies have been performed with mentalization based treatment (MBT). In this pilot study we investigate MBT for patients with dual ASPD and SUD.


  • To investigate if MBT should and can be implemented as standard treatment for patients with antisocial personality disorder.
  • To investigate the feasibility of the research protocol of MBT for male patients with dual ASPD /SUD in an outpatient treatment context within the addiction health services.
  • To investigate if MBT can give positive outcomes on aggression and violence, substance use, symptomology, and personality functioning for male patients with ASPD/SUD.


  • Inclusion of minimum 30 - maximum 75 male patients with ASPD/SUD.
  • MBT is offered according to the manual and consists of weekly individual and monthly group therapy for one year
  • Adherence is ensured through video supervision by experts in the field, and ratings of adherence are performed by the MBT ASPD LAB at the University of Bergen (BPCL ).
  • Assessment is performed at baseline, 6 months, and at 12- and 24-months follow-up. Assessment instruments are MOAS, CTQ, LPSF-BF, WSAS, AUDIT and DUDIT, PHQ, GAD-7 and PTSD-CL5.
  • Qualitative interviews with patients will be performed around one year after treatment.


Katharina T.E Morken, PhD
Phone: 907 39 201
E-mail: /


Astrid Bergwitz, Elisabeth Lied Gikling, Morten Øvrebø, Åse-Line Baltzersen, Geir Pedersen, Elfrida Kvarstein, Andreas Ekberg, Benjamin Hummelen, Anna Motz and Anthony Bateman.


  • Morken, T. E., Øvrebø, M., Klippenberg, C., Morvik, T., & Gikling, E. L. (2022). Antisocial personality disorder in group therapy, kindling pro-sociality and mentalizing. Research in Psychotherapy.


Published Feb. 22, 2022 2:48 PM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2023 12:21 PM