Co-morbidity of borderline and avoidant PD

Studies of patients who meet the criteria for both borderline- and avoidant personality disorder


A significant proportion of the patients in the Norwegian Network for Personality Disorders (The Network) are diagnosed with both Borderline (BPD) and Avoidant Personality (AvPD) disorders, but this co-morbidity has not previously been studied.  However, former studies of patients with BPD with additional AvPD traits indicates a more severe disorder, with poorer outcome of therapy.


The study aims to investigate these patients in terms of prevalence, demographics, severity and treatment outcome. Focus will also be on how they differ from patients with only one of these disorders, and to find out if they eventually are more similar to one of the single disorders than the other. 

Planned studies

  1. A cross-sectional study of patients who meet the criteria for both disorders
  2. Treatment outcome for patients with both these disorders

Research group

  • Kjell-Einar Zahl
  • Ingrid Nærø Tangen
  • Giancarlo Dimaggio
  • Geir Pedersen
Published Feb. 22, 2022 2:48 PM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2024 5:39 PM