The Corona-project

Vulnerability of personality disorder during COVID-19 crises: a multicenter survey among patients referred to treatment


The study investigated mental distress, treatment situation, and social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, first wave among patients with personality disorder. This is a cross sectional, anonymous survey conducted in the summer and autumn of 2020 aimed to investigate consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis for patients with moderate to severe personality disorders enrolled in treatment at the time after the first societal shut-down.

The project was approved by REK Sør-Øst (Nr. 132084).

The survey was conducted within the Network for Personality Disorders, which is an ongoing quality and research collaboration of treatment units within psychiatric specialist health services, from Farsund in the South to Tromsø in the North.

The survey included questions on sociodemografic situation, immediate reactions to the abrupt changes which took place, social and mental distress, treatment situation, and compensatory or alternative consultation forms. Questionnaires were sent to 1100 patients.

Time schedule

The cross sectional survey is completed, as well as all publications. Data analyses includes both quantitative and qualitative data.

Project group

Principle investigators

  • Elfrida Hartveit Kvarstein (
  • Geir Pedersen (

Other project collaborators

Including members of the Research Group for Personality Psychiatry and user participation:

  • Åse-Line Baltzersen
  • Benjamin Hummelen
  • Espen Ajo Arnevik
  • Ingeborg Ulltveit-Moe Eikenæs
  • Line Indrevoll Stänicke
  • Merete Seksbakk Johansen
  • Mona Pettersen
  • Theresa Wilberg
  • Local project coordinator at Akershus University Hospital: Kjell-Einar Zahl.

Participating treatment units

  • Gruppeterapiteamet, DPS Kongsvinger, Akershus universitetssykehus.
  • Enhet for gruppeterapi ved Øvre Romerike DPS, Akershus universitetssykehus.
  • Enhet for gruppeterapi ved Nedre Romerike DPS, Akershus universitetssykehus.
  • Spesialpoliklinikk for Personlighetsforstyrrelser ved Seksjon for personlighetspsykiatri, KPHA, Oslo universitetssykehus.
  • Seksjon Gruppebehandling ved Lovisenberg DPS, Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus.
  • Voksenpsykiatrisk avdeling Vinderen, Diakonhjemmet sykehus.
  • Enhet for gruppeterapi ved Follo DPS, Akershus universitetssykehus.
  • Poliklinikk for personlighetspsykiatri ved DPS Vestfold.
  • Enhet for Intensiv Gruppebehandling ved DPS Aust-Agder, Sørlandet sykehus
  • Gruppeenheten ved Psykiatrisk poliklinikk, DPS Strømme, Sørlandet sykehus.
  • Stavanger – Gruppepoliklinikken ved Stavanger DPS.
  • Seksjon for gruppebehandling, Kronstad DPS, Helse Bergen.
  • MBT Team, Avdeling for rusmedisin, Haukeland universitetssjukehus.
  • Gruppebehandlingsteamet ved Psykiatrisk poliklinikk, Ålesund.

Completed publications

  • Zahl KE, Pedersen G, Eikenæs IU-M, Stänicke LI, Wilberg T, Baltzersen ÅL, Pettersen M, Hummelen B, Arnevik E, Johansen MS, Kvarstein EH. (2022). Avoidant and Borderline Personality Disorder patients during the first Covid-19 wave in Norway - A survey-based comparison of therapy changes and patients’ accommodations. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2022.2110614
  • Kvarstein, EH, Zahl KE, Stänicke L, Pettersen MS, Baltzersen ÅL, Johansen MS, Eikenæs IU-M, Arnevik EA, Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Pedersen G. (2022). Vulnerability of personality disorder during the Covid-19 crises – a multicenter survey of treatment experiences among patients referred to treatment. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2021.1934110
  • Kvarstein EH, Zahl KE, Stänicke L, Pettersen MS, Baltzersen ÅL, Johansen MS, Eikenæs IU-M, Hummelen B, Wilberg T, Arnevik EA, Pedersen G (2021). Vulnerability of personality disorder during Covid-19 crises - A multicenter survey of mental and social distress among patients referred to treatment. Nordic Journal Of Psychiatry, 9, 1-12.
  • Stänicke LI, Arnevik E, Pettersen MS, Balterzen ÅL, Zahl KE, Eikenæs IU-M, Pedersen G, Wilberg T, Kvarstein EH. (2022). The importance of feeling remembered during the Covid-19 crisis – A qualitative study of experiences among patients with personality disorders. Nordic Psychology.
Published Feb. 22, 2022 2:48 PM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2024 5:37 PM