Norwegian version of this page

Specialized rehabilitation

The overall research aim for our group is to improve everyday living of people with physical and/or cognitive impairments.

Our research is conducted at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, a state-owned rehabilitation hospital within the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Trust. Within the UiO-organization, we are part of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Institute of Clinical Medicine.

Our research activities are organized within the hospital’s Center for research and innovation, in five thematic research groups:

  • Acquired Brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Movement dysfunctions
  • Rare disorders
  • Aphasia and register data

At Sunnaas, 30 employees have PhD competency; about 20 PhD-projects are ongoing at any time. The research group is interdisciplinary. Several researchers also hold positions at universities. We have established a broad national and international network.

Sunnaas Rehabilitation Cluster – an initiative to develop rehabilitation solutions for the future – is currently established. Here we gather academic and industry partners, as well as health institutions and municipalities; public and patient involvement is essential.

Within the setting of specialized rehabilitation, especially neurorehabilitation, we are interested in all aspects of body functions, activities and participation that injury or disease may affect (cf. ICF – WHO’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health). We use both quantitative and qualitative methods.

Our focus is clinical research, including intervention studies, and our research activities comprise both subacute and chronic stages – including living with the consequences of severe illness/injury.


A number of studies are ongoing, mainly within the following areas:

  • Specialized rehabilitation interventions for patients with acquired neurological injuries, such as stroke, spinal cord injury or traumatic brain injury
  • Rehabilitation technology, e.g. gaming, virtual reality, robot-assisted motor training
  • Rehabilitation of acquired injuries in children and adolescents
  • Rare disorders as e.g. Marfan’s syndrome, achondroplasia


Please find our list of publications here.


The group is engaged in several projects with national and international partners.


  • Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital
  • Oslo University Hospital
  • South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority

  • Institute of Health and Society; CHARM, UiO

  • Department of Psychology, UiO

  • OsloMet

  • Norwegian school of sport sciences, Oslo

  • Beitostølen Healthsports Center, Beitostølen

  • NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Norwegian centre for violence and traumatic stress studies

  • Haukeland University Hospital

  • Trondheim University Hospital; St Olavs Hospital

  • UiT - The Arctic University of Norway


  • Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
  • RehabStation Spinalis Stockholm, Sweden
  • University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Region Västra Götaland, Sweden
  • Copenhagen University, Denmark
  • University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  • Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
  • China Rehabilitation and Research Center (CRRC), China
  • Policlinic no2, Petrozavodsk,  Karelia, Russia
  • Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Betlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation (BASR), Palestine
  • El Wafa Hospital, Gaza, Palestine
  • Bayi 81 Rehabilitation Center, Sichuan, China
  • Schweizer Paraplegiker-Forschung AG, Switzerland
  • Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation , NY, USA
Published May 31, 2024 11:37 AM - Last modified June 6, 2024 3:33 PM


Group leader


  • Frank Becker University of Oslo
  • Hege Prag Øra University of Oslo
  • Marianne Løvstad University of Oslo
  • Solveig Lægreid Hauger University of Oslo
  • Ingvil Laberg Holthe University of Oslo
  • Anne Catrine Trægde Martinsen
  • Ingebjørg Irgens
  • Ariane Kwiet
  • Svein Fredwall
  • Lena Lande Wekre
  • Kristin Knudsen-Baas
  • Claudia Nyberg
  • Maria Ryssdal Kraby
  • Mariane Yardley
  • Nina Marit Rohrer-Baumgartner
  • Per Ola Rike
  • Anne-Mette Bredahl
  • Daniel Løke
  • Knut K. Kolskår
  • Vegard Strøm
  • Kirsti S. Roaldsen
  • Charlotta Hamre
  • Vivien Jørgensen
  • Matthijs Wouda
  • Ellen Høyer
  • Arve Isak Opheim
  • Edel Jannecke Svendsen
  • Maribeth Caya Rivelsrud
  • Ellen Berg
  • Gry Velvin
Detailed list of participants