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Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology

The aim of medical treatment is to achieve optimal drug response and avoid harmful side effects for the individual patient.

Clinical Pharmacology is the study of pharmacokinetic processes including absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion, and response of drugs in the human body. Individual variability in both the kinetics and effects of the drug is common. The effects/side effects of many drugs are concentration-dependent, hence it may be useful to measure the total drug concentration in serum/plasma, called therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). Gene variants encoding proteins participating in metabolism, transport and drug actions may explain some of the concentration/response variability. Our research group is working on the optimization of drug therapy using TDM, pharmacogenetic analyses and other outcome measures. For drugs and toxic substances we investigate the relationships between serum concentrations and effects/side effects.


At Ullevål led by Mimi Stokke Opdal:

•    Use of antihypertensive drugs, measurements of serum concentrations, cytochrome genes, blood pressure and heart rate in patients treated for hypertension, in collaboration with the  IDA-study
•    Serum ethanol concentrations as indicator of impairment in patients admitted to a large Emergency Department 2015-2020 
PhD-candidate in the IDA-study: Stine Rognstad, MD (UiO)

At Ullevål associated to Ingebjørg G. Gustavsen, Head of Section, MD, PhD:

•    Tailored intervention for identification of harmful use of alcohol and psychoactive drugs among  hospitalized patients. Please see the projects homepage here
•    A pharmacoepidemiological study on use of prescribed psychoactive drugs before and after severe traumatic injuries (Norwegian Prescription Database and Oslo University Hospital Trauma Registry).
PhD-candidate in the pharmacoepidemioloical study: Henrik A. Torp, MD (UiO)

At the National Centre for Epilepsy, SSE, led by Cecilie Johannessen Landmark, Professor, MSc. Pharm, PhD:

•    TDM of antiseizure medications in various patient groups (SSE)
•    Pharmacokinetic variability of new antiseizure medications (SSE)
PhD-candidate in the projects: Katrine Heger, MScPharm (OsloMet)

Published Oct. 12, 2017 10:49 AM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2024 1:10 PM


Group leader


  • Mimi Stokke Opdal University of Oslo
  • Svein Ivar Johannessen
  • Stine Rognstad
  • Margrete Larsen Burns
  • André Gotaas
  • Jean-Paul Bernard
  • Lina Dorothea Bruun
  • Ilah Nygaard
  • Cecilie Ullstrøm Johannessen Landmark
  • Ingebjørg G. Gustavsen
Detailed list of participants