Group psychotherapy for young adults with ADD/ADHD

A manual (Lorentzen, 2013) for short-term group psychotherapy for adults with mild to moderate mental and relational difficulties has shown a documented effect (Bakali et al., 2013; Fjeldstad et al., 2017). This is a pilot study to map whether the manual is also suitable for adults with diagnosed ADD / ADHD - or in need of adaptation to achieve the expected result.

The target group is people in the age group 23-39 with ADD or ADHD and experienced difficulties in relation to others.

The therapists in the study are psychologist specialist and PhD Hanne-Sofie Johnsen Dahl and psychiatrist Christian Hjort, both group analysts.

Department of Psychology                                                                                      Hanne-Sofie Johnsen Dahl 

Division of Mental Health and Addiction - Institute of Clinical Medicine (            Randi Ulberg                                                                                                                    Thea Schønning                                                                                                            Kjetil Norbø Jørgensen                                                                                            Nevro                                                                                                                          Anne Marie Fosse Teigen


Makepeace, J.M. & Holm, L. L. (2022). " Det er et eller annet som lugger sånn inni meg..." En kvalitativ studie av pasienterfaringer i korttids psykodynamisk gruppeterapi for voksne med ADHD (Master's thesis).

Published Nov. 15, 2023 3:28 PM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2023 3:28 PM