Clinical resource units

The TREATment network has four resource units supporting the projects and research groups in collection, storage, and processing of scientific data.

Clinical Randomized Controlled Trials

Study design with Clinical Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) is an important research method in psychiatry. TREATment members participate in several RCTs and have expertise in this research method. Read more about some of the ongoing projects.


Method development

Most mental disorders are chronic diseases, and therefore need sequences of interventions/treatments. A Dynamic Treatment Regime (DTR) is a sequence of decision rules, one per stage of the clinical intervention, that adapt to the personal information changing over time. Each rule takes a person’s treatment and covariate history as inputs and outputs a recommended treatment. Methodological challenges are how to make these treatment decisions evidence based, and how to identify an optimal treatment for the individual patient.


Qualitative methods

Qualitative methods are frequently used when investigating personalized treatments for mental disorders and distress and are frequently nested in quantitative studies. These methods builds knowledge around practice relevant theory. Qualitative methods are also suitable for developing knowledge about how groups or individuals understand and give meaning to actions or experiences.


Process analyses

In psychotherapy, the examination of the interaction between the therapist and the client and of their evolving relationship is called process analyses. There are many ways to operationalize the psychotherapy process, which one to utilize depends on what we are asking.

We may examine from audio or video tapes questions concerning specific factors like whether the therapist delivered interventions as expected within the chosen treatment model (treatment fidelity), or we may search for questions concerning common factors like how the therapist seems to intervene for alliance building, handle ruptures, what seems to be turning points for better or worse, etc. Using process analyses we seek to understand better what works for whom.  


Research supervision

The researchers in TREATment highly focus on research supervision and supervise on PhD projects, student researchers, and student projects in psychology and psychiatry


Published Mar. 23, 2022 2:17 PM - Last modified July 7, 2022 3:26 PM