Interaction of Immunology and Microbiota

Symposium in conjunction with visit of Andrew Macpherson 

Photo: Andrew Macpherson

Photo: Gastroenterology & Mucosal Immunology, Switzerland

Andrew Macpherson

University of Bern, Switzerland

  • Title: "The microbiota, its metabolites and the mammalian host"

Ole J.B Landsverk

Department of Pathology, Oslo University Hospital

  • Title: "Plasma cell longevity in human gut"

Brian K. Chung

Department of Transplantation Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital

  • Title: "Trust your gut - identifying antigen triggers in primary sclerosing cholangitis"


Published Oct. 11, 2018 5:57 PM - Last modified Apr. 30, 2021 1:26 PM