Language, Aphasia & Transcranial stimulation

Dr. Marcus Meinzer from Charite Hospital, Berlin/Germany, will give an open guest lecture entitled "Impact of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on language".

Dr. Marcus Meinzer is currently a Creutzfeld Scholar in the lab of Prof. A. Flöel in the Department of Neurology at Charité Hospital in Berlin/Germany, and holds a position as Assistant Research Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville/USA.

Meinzer studied clinical‐ and neuropsychology at the Universities of Konstanz, Munich and McMaster and received his Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience in 2004 from the University of Konstanz. He gained further experience by working in Departments of Psychology (Profs. B. Rockstroh & T. Elbert), Neurolinguistics (Prof. C. Eulitz) and Neurology (Dr. C. Breitenstein and Prof. S. Knecht) as well as in the lab of Prof. B. Crosson at the University of Florida in Gainesville.

Dr. Meinzer is interested in all aspects of language processing and language rehabilitation after brain damage. He has published a number of research and review articles in well-respected journals of language and brain research. His current research includes projects on the neurobiology of treatment-induced recovery in chronic aphasia, how the outcome of intensive language training in post-stroke aphasia can be enhanced by adjuvant non-invasive brainstimulation (tDCS) and the investigation of underlying neural mechanisms by which tDCS exerts beneficial effects.


Ferry departure 09:32 from Aker brygge, take bus 631 from Nesoddtangen to Sunnaas.
Return: Bus 12:42 from Sunnaas. Ferry arrives 13:23 at Aker brygge.


Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital
Published Sep. 14, 2012 12:10 PM